SpeedBird789 / AvgeekClicks

Home Page:https://independent-service-prov-374f1.web.app/

Repository from Github https://github.comSpeedBird789/AvgeekClicksRepository from Github https://github.comSpeedBird789/AvgeekClicks

AvgeekClicks Welcomes You!

Visit the live site here: AvgeekClicks.

About this project

In this project, I tried to make a website for a Plane Spotter (learn more about Plane Spotting on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aircraft_spotting). Due to time constraint, couldn't add a few more aesthetics which I hope will do once I sit with it again. To summarise:

  • You can hire the spotter from the 3 available plans as shown in services with flexible spotting locations. To do so, you have to SignUp/Login first.
  • About section is a short introduction of me; nothing too complicated yet :)
  • Banner shows 3 of the many shots that this amazing spotter has to his collection.
  • Blogs section displays 3 web-dev related questions and their answers. This however is just for my practice and isn't necessarily related to this project.
  • Example works section shows some of the latest clicks the spotter has taken from around the globe, acting as a portfolio.

Some of the tools used in this project are:

  1. React Router
  2. React Router Hooks
  3. Bootstrap, React Bootstrap, Vanilla CSS
  4. React Toastify
  5. Firebase for authentication and deployment etc

Enjoy :)