SpecificProtagonist / enum-collections

Enum-centric collections for Rust. Supporting at-runtime initialization and modifications.

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Enum Collections for Rust

Rust Crates.io

Enum-centric data structures for Rust.



EnumMap is a special case of a Hash Map, with better computational complexity guarantees and overall performance. Can differentiante between a missing (Option::None) and set (Option::Some) value.

Abstracts away the need to handle [Option] on insert/remove operations. It marginally is faster to initialize than EnumTable, because Default value needn't be cloned for each field.

Using get and insert functions.

 use enum_collections::{EnumMap, Enumerated};
 enum Letter {

 let mut map: EnumMap<Letter, u8> = EnumMap::new();
 map.insert(Letter::A, 42);
 assert_eq!(Some(&42u8), map.get(Letter::A));
 assert_eq!(None, map.get(Letter::A));

Using Index and IndexMut syntactic sugar.

use enum_collections::{EnumMap, Enumerated};
enum Letter {

let mut map: EnumMap<Letter, u8> = EnumMap::new();
map[Letter::A] = Some(42);
assert_eq!(Some(42u8), map[Letter::A]);
assert_eq!(Some(&42u8), map[Letter::A].as_ref());


EnumTable is a special case of a Hash Map, with better computational complexity guarantees and overall performance. Initialized with default values, can NOT differentiate between missing values and values actually set.

Using Index and IndexMut syntactic sugar.

 use enum_collections::{EnumTable, Enumerated};
 enum Letter {

 let mut map: EnumTable<Letter, u8> = EnumTable::new();
 map[Letter::A] = 42;
 assert_eq!(42u8, map[Letter::A]);
 assert_eq!(u8::default(), map[Letter::B]);

Using get and insert functions.

use enum_collections::{EnumTable, Enumerated};
enum Letter {

let mut map: EnumTable<Letter, u8> = EnumTable::new();
map.insert(Letter::A, 42);
assert_eq!(&42u8, map.get(Letter::A));
assert_eq!(&u8::default(), map.get(Letter::B));


There are single-threaded benchmarks for the get, insert and remove operations in enum-collections/benches. Invoke cargo bench to run them.


NAME                                     lower bound | est | upper bound
EnumMap get                      time:   [635.02 ps 635.52 ps 636.06 ps] est ~22x faster
std::collections::HashMap get    time:   [13.971 ns 13.986 ns 14.002 ns]

EnumMap insert                   time:   [890.74 ps 892.13 ps 893.66 ps] est ~15,57x faster
std::collections::HashMap insert time:   [13.889 ns 13.895 ns 13.901 ns]

EnumMap remove                   time:   [481.07 ps 481.79 ps 482.53 ps] est ~28,55x faster
std::collections::HashMap remove time:   [13.704 ns 13.737 ns 13.771 ns]


NAME                                             lower bound | est | upper bound
EnumTable Index get                      time:   [460.22 ps 460.81 ps 461.41 ps] est ~1.113x faster
Crate Enum-Map Index get                 time:   [512.16 ps 512.62 ps 513.13 ps]

EnumTable insert                         time:   [670.83 ps 671.43 ps 672.06 ps] est. ~1,06x faster
Crate Enum-Map insert                    time:   [715.68 ps 716.34 ps 717.04 ps]


Enum-centric collections for Rust. Supporting at-runtime initialization and modifications.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Rust 100.0%