Spartee / smartsim-slurm-demo

A docker recipe for spinning up a slurm cluster to run some SmartSim applications

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

SmartSim Slurm Demo

This repo holds a docker deployment with SmartSim, Slurm, and a few demo applications along with instructions for running them.

This is a multi-container Slurm cluster using docker-compose. The compose file creates named volumes for persistent storage of MySQL data files as well as Slurm state and log directories.

The slurm/docker work presented here is largely based off of

The biggest difference is that the base image is ubuntu and the SmartSim additions have been made.

Running SmartSim Demo

Below are the instructions to run the SmartSim demo applications in the slurm docker cluster.

Keep in mind, this demo is setup for computers containing at least 4 cores with hyperthreads.

Start the Cluster

docker pull spartee/smartsim-slurm-demo:v1.0.1
docker-compose up -d
docker exec -it slurmctld bash

Once inside the head node container, run the following

cd /data/lammps-examples/melt/
salloc -N 3 -t 10:00:00 -n 6
jupyter lab --port 8888 --no-browser --allow-root --ip=

then copy paste the bottom link into your browser, open the notebook and execute each cell.

Slurm Docker Infrastructure

The slurm cluster used for the SmartSim demo applications is described below.

Containers and Volumes

The compose file will run the following containers:

  • mysql
  • slurmdbd
  • slurmctld
  • c1 (slurmd)
  • c2 (slurmd)
  • c3 (slurmd)
  • c4 (slurmd)

The compose file will create the following named volumes:

  • etc_munge ( -> /etc/munge )
  • etc_slurm ( -> /etc/slurm-llnl )
  • slurm_jobdir ( -> /data )
  • var_lib_mysql ( -> /var/lib/mysql )
  • var_log_slurm ( -> /var/log/slurm-llnl )

Building the Docker Image

Build the image locally:

# instructions to come

Starting the Slurm Cluster

Run docker-compose to instantiate the cluster:

docker-compose up -d

Register the Cluster with SlurmDBD

To register the cluster to the slurmdbd daemon, run the script:


Note: You may have to wait a few seconds for the cluster daemons to become ready before registering the cluster. Otherwise, you may get an error such as sacctmgr: error: Problem talking to the database: Connection refused.

You can check the status of the cluster by viewing the logs: docker-compose logs -f

Accessing the Cluster

Use docker exec to run a bash shell on the controller container:

docker exec -it slurmctld bash

From the shell, execute slurm commands, for example:

Submitting Jobs

The slurm_jobdir named volume is mounted on each Slurm container as /data. Therefore, in order to see job output files while on the controller, change to the /data directory when on the slurmctld container and then submit a job:

[root@slurmctld /]# cd /data/
[root@slurmctld data]# sbatch --wrap="uptime"
Submitted batch job 2
[root@slurmctld data]# ls

Stopping and Restarting the Cluster

docker-compose stop
docker-compose start

Deleting the Cluster

To remove all containers and volumes, run:

docker-compose stop
docker-compose rm -f
docker volume prune # make sure you don't have others you still want to keep


A docker recipe for spinning up a slurm cluster to run some SmartSim applications

License:MIT License


Language:Dockerfile 62.0%Language:Shell 38.0%