Spartee / RedisGears

Dynamic execution framework for your Redis data

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A Redis module that allows running a JS functions inside the Redis processes. The JS code is execute use V8 JS engine.

Notice, RedisGears 2.0 is still under active development and not yet GA, the API might (and probably) change at the final GA version.


With Docker

Run the following on the main directoty:

> docker build -t redisgears2 .

Then run the built image:

> docker run -p 6379:6379 redisgears2

From Source


  1. rust
  2. Redis v7.0.3 or above
  3. libssl-dev
  4. pkg-config
  5. clang
  6. wget


Run the following on the main directoty:

> cargo build


Run the following on the main directoty:

> ./

Getting started

Run JS code

The API expose by the module is very similar to the way Redis Functions is working. Lets write a simple hello world RedisGears function that return the string hello world:

#!js name=lib

redis.register_function('hello_world', function(){
    return 'hello_world';

The first line indicates the engine to use (js) and the library name (lib). The rest is the library code.

Assuming we put the following code on a file lib.js, we can register our function on RedisGears using RG.FUNCTION LOAD command:

> redis-cli -x RG.FUNCTION LOAD < ./lib.js

And now we can execute our function using RG.FUNCTION CALL command, the command gets the library name and the function name:

> redis-cli RG.FUNCTION CALL lib hello_world

Calling Redis Commands Inside our Gears Function

It is possible to call Redis commands inside our gears function. The function gets as first argument a client object that allows interaction with Redis using call function. The following example executes a simple PING command and return the result:

#!js name=lib

redis.register_function('my_ping', function(client){

If we will try to send it to our running Redis instance, we will get the following error:

> redis-cli -x RG.FUNCTION LOAD < ./lib.js
(error) Library lib already exists

We get the error because the library with the same name already exists, we can use the UPGRADE argument to upgrade the library with the new code:

> redis-cli -x RG.FUNCTION LOAD UPGRADE < ./lib.js

And now we can invoke my_ping using RG.FUNCTION CALL:

> redis-cli RG.FUNCTION CALL lib my_ping

Function Arguments

The arguments given on the RG.FUNCTION CALL command, after the function name, will be passed to the function callback. The following example shows how to implement a simple function that returns the value of a key whether its a string or a hash:

#!js name=lib

redis.register_function('my_get', function(client, key_name){
    if ('type', key_name) == 'string') {
        return'get', key_name);
    if ('type', key_name) == 'hash') {
        return'hgetall', key_name);
    throw "Unsupported type";

Example of running the following function:> set x 1
OK> rg.function call foo my_get x
"1"> hset h foo bar x y
(integer) 2> rg.function call foo my_get h
1) "foo"
2) "bar"
3) "x"
4) "y"

It is also possible to get all th arguments given to the function as a JS array. This is how we can extend the above example to except multiple keys and return their values:

#!js name=lib

redis.register_function('my_get', function(client, ...keys){
    var results = [];
    keys.forEach((key_name)=> {
            if ('type', key_name) == 'string') {
                results.push('get', key_name));
            if ('type', key_name) == 'hash') {
                results.push('hgetall', key_name));
            results.push("Unsupported type");
    return results;

Run example:> rg.function call foo my_get x h
1) "1"
2) 1) "foo"
   2) "bar"
   3) "x"
   4) "y"

Whats next?


Dynamic execution framework for your Redis data



Language:Rust 79.8%Language:Python 20.0%Language:Shell 0.2%