Sparrrgh / Sparrrgh

Extended bio

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hi! 👋

I'm Sparrrgh, a cybersecurity student at Unimi.
Passionate about web exploitation and reverse engineering.
Most of my code is in Python3, but sometimes I use Javascript or C#.
I'm currently learning Rust to write low-level, parallel and fast tools.

2021 Roadmap 🧭

Things I would like to do in 2021.

  • Git gud at binary exploitation.
  • Write a basic fuzzer in Rust (Inspired by Gamozolabs' Fuzzweek).
  • Write some n-day exploits (Inspired by Maddie Stone's Reversing the Root talk at BH20).
  • Maybe actually finish my bachelor degree.


Extended bio