SparkDevTeams / underline-backend

The repo for the server-side code for the MSFT Underline project

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SparkDev x FUT Backend Pytest Status

Developer Bootstrap

Core dependencies

The project uses:

  • Python 3.9.1
  • pip 20.2.3 (python 3.9)

Running the server locally

  • python requirements can be installed with pip install -r requirements.txt
  • the local server can be ran with uvicorn app:app

Deploying the server in production mode

  • The current server is setup to run with heroku, and has both Procfile and runtime.txt files
  • If deploying outside of heroku, the main script to run is which will install the dependencies (if any updates have occured) and run the production server
    • the core command to run the web server in production mode is:
      • gunicorn -w 4 -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker app:app --bind$PORT --access-logfile - --log-level info
      • where $PORT is the local open port set by the environment.
  • Before deployment, make sure all of the environment variables for the project have been set (check the Keys and variables section of this document)

REST API Documentation

  • FastAPI offers dynamic REST API documentation with swagger and redoc, using the openAPI spec.
    • these docs can be found in the /docs and /redoc endpoints respectively
  • The auto-generated docs rely on pydantic models for data types, and docstrings for each endpoint (held in the docs folder). Both of these are mentioned later on in the Project Structure section in detail.

Linter & Test suite (pylint + pytest)

  • A pylintrc file with the standard Google lint config is in the root folder and will provide detailed reports for pylint
  • to run the linter on ALL project files at once (useful for CI/CD pipelines and checks), use the script
  • pytest is used to run all of the unit and integration tests for the project, all of which are located in the tests/ folder

Project Struture

Main Code Sources

These are the modules that have most of the core logic and handle almost all of the code execution.

Modules here are grouped by their actions and their data so as to avoid table-sharing; providing the other modules with an interface for interacting with that data.

For example, if an endpoint for events (located in routes/ needs to make a change to a user document in the database, it would have to go through the user interface laid out in utils/

This saves us the gigantic headache of coupled database tables, enabling us to change the internals of the modules as we please so long as we honor the interface we provide.

  • Routes

    • Entry point for the actual routes that will be put on display through FastAPI. Here, routes and sub-routers are added along with input and output doc strings, models, and other pieces of documentation that outline how the client interacts with the backend.
    • Not a ton of code should be here, just incoming data, calls to the appropriate handler in utils and then outgoing data.
    • If changes to the core procedure being laid out in the handling of a route are made, it is critical to update the description and summary (declared in the @router decorators) as well to ensure up-to-date information reaches the documentation users.
    • For more info on the @router decorators, or any other FastAPI specific info, refer to the FastAPI docs
  • Models

    • Using a modeling framework like pydantic helps tremendously in ensuring that the data coming in is valid and type secure.

      • Models can be pretty complex and have nested user-defined types, allowing the codebase to share a standard set of code and core models through inheritance.
      • All pydantic models import BaseModel for some added niceties (e.g. direct typecasting to dicts and json)
    • There is one major problem with pydantic and pymongo:

      • mongo relies on a unique _id field to be set either by the document, or by the database upon insertion.
      • pydantic reads fields marked with a leading _ as private/hidden and does not export them with exporting functions (such as model.dict())
      • to get around this problem, we use some utility functions and special classes (covered later)
    • Some key notes on pydantic and BaseModel:

      • Special model classes were made to represent data in the database as is.
      • E.g. models.users.User,, etc.
      • These models inherit from a modified version of pydantic.BaseModel (located in models.commons) called ExtendedBaseModel.
        • This version of BaseModel will provide some extra features for it's children:
          • an auto-setter (upon instanciation) for the _id field that assigns a random uuid4 string to the field value
          • a get_id function that is guaranteed to return a valid ID (this should be the only way to ever access a pydantic model's _id field due to the mongo v. pydantic naming conflict)
          • an overriden dict() method that fixes the _id problem when casting the model to a python dict by calling model.dict()
    • Little code should recide in these models outside of just classes. If a module has a recurring import or user defined type they can be put here as well to avoid repeating code.

  • Utils

    • Files in utils hold the interface for interacting with the database documents.
    • There are a handful of ulity functions that all either return, or operate on, a top-level model for the module
      • e.g. most of the handlers in utils.users operate on or return a models.users.User object
    • All of the methods here should be async to comply with FastAPI (it won't complain but it is a massive slowdown if we use mostly sync functions)
    • Helper methods and internals can be kept here as well, so long as the major outward module facing interface methods (e.g. register_user) are kept simple and clean.

Assisting Code

Code here provides additional support to the main files or holds a small amount of semi-inelastic responsibilities that are easy to change but would have massive ripples accross the architecture if they weren't quarantined off.

  • Docs

    • Holds simple strings with FastAPI documentation. This eventually ends up in the generated endpoint docs so write as if you were consuming the routes yourself.
  • Config

    • Main

      • High level app-wide configuration as well as middleware goes here. Shouldn't really need to be touched a lot.
      • Also holds some key exports, namely app, the main FastAPI router object.
    • Database

      • Database configuration and instanciation. All instances and batch moves to the database are stored here, including helper methods for testing and constructors/destructors for the database instances.
    • Both of these modules, as well as all of the project-wide config, will be talked about in the next section

Critical Knowledge

Being a monolithic project with lots of user based operations, there are many critical centers of code which can break the entire system if changed unwittingly. The next section will cover the most critical points of code which carry significant change that has effects on the whole system, and should be handled with the utmost care.

Points of systemic change

Static Critical points


  • the config.main module has two key jobs:
    1. instanciate the global FastAPI router instance that all subrouters get added to
    2. read and export the global secret environment variables
  • the newly instanciated FastAPI router shouldn't be touched outside of the root app module, or the tests module.


  • Instanciates and sets up the database connection to the mongo server using a singleton pattern that only ever allows for a single client object to exist
  • Also handles the dynamic creation of testing databases and indexes

Dynamic Critical points

These modules need to be updated anytime data is updated elsewhere for the project to run

the root app module

  • the app module assembles three key components of the project:
    1. Adds the CORS hosts and origins to the CORSMiddleware handler for the entire router instance
      • if frontend domain names OR backend server hosts change, this list of hosts/origins MUST be updated to avoid CORS errors
    2. Imports and adds all of the subrouters from the routes module to the main router
      • if a new router is added, it must be imported and added here with an app.include_router call
    3. Setting up documentation schema, logging, and other middleware

Keys and variables

There are two secret env vars that must be exported for the program to work on local/serverside deployments as well as CI/CD pipelines:

  • MONGO_DB_URI: the db URI (with authentication embedded)
    • current value: mongodb+srv://
  • JWT_SECRET_KEY: the key used for JWT token creation
    • current value: 00cb508e977fd82f27bf05e321f596b63bf2d9f2452829e787529a52e64e7439

Links & Resources

FastAPI Docs

Pydantic Docs

Current heroku endpoint docs

lead backend maintainer: @astherath


The repo for the server-side code for the MSFT Underline project


Language:Python 99.9%Language:Shell 0.1%