Spacelocust / cleancode-sveltekit

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Clean code SvelteKit

Clean code project for ESGI with SvelteKit.


Launch the project

Launch the project using the make start and then make db-migrate commands. You can then stop and relaunch the project using the make stop and make up commands.

You can view the project on http://localhost:5173. The database UI is available on http://localhost:8080.

Using a different API


The API expects a session cookie to be set for all endpoints, except for the login endpoint. You need to login at /api/login and make sure your other requests include the session cookie set from the login response.

To change the API used by the project, you can change the API_HOST_PREFIX variable in a new .env.local file. By default, the API used is the project's API (/api).



The project uses static accounts to log in. It is not currently possible to create an account.

Username Password
dallas xxx
butcher xxx
bob xxx


Librairies, frameworks and tools used in this project.


Services used by the compose.yml file.

  • svelte-kit : The SvelteKit service. Container name : cc-app.
  • mariadb : The MariaDB service. Container name : cc-mariadb.
  • phpmyadmin : The PHPMyAdmin service. Container name : cc-phpmyadmin.

Makefile commands

Many commands are available in the Makefile. Here are a few of them.

Command Description
make start Start the project, all the containers and run additional commands.
make start-nocache Start the project and all the containers without using the cache.
make up Start the project and all the containers.
make up-recreate Start the project and all the containers and recreate the containers.
make stop Stop the project and all the containers.
make restart Restart the project and all the containers.
make down Stop and remove the project and all the containers.
make ssh SH into the project container.
make build-app Build the app.
make preview-app Preview the app.
make lint Lint the app using Biome.
make format Format the app using Biome.
make update Update the dependencies with Bun.
make logs Show the logs of the different containers.

To list all the available commands, run the make command.

E2E tests

You need to have Bun installed. You need to also make sure the project is up and running.

Launch make test-install once to install Playwright. Then, you can use the make test command to run the tests. A make test-ui command is also available to run the tests in the Playwright UI.



Language:Svelte 44.1%Language:TypeScript 43.8%Language:JavaScript 4.3%Language:Makefile 3.5%Language:CSS 2.1%Language:HTML 1.5%Language:Dockerfile 0.5%Language:Shell 0.2%