๐ Total ัommands In The RustyManager is 17 commands and more soon.
๐ 24/7 Rusty Manager online.
๐ Open source.
๐ MongoDB Database.
gstart Create giveaway(Without a mention room).
gcreate Create giveaway(with mention room).
gedit Edit giveaway.
gdelete Delete giveaway.
gend End giveaway.
reroll Choose new winners.
gsetlang ะกhange the language EN/AR/RU/UA/TR Supporter
gsetmention [on/off] Activate or disable the mention if giveaway start.
gsetrole [on/off] {rolename} Set default role for your guild.
gsetprefix Set bot prefix for your guild.
ghelp Display Rusty commands.
stats Display info for Rusty.
gping Display bot Latency.
ginvite Display main links of Rusty.
geval Execute javascript code.
gblacklist Add user or guild to blacklist.
gblacklistr Remove user from blacklist.
If you don't want to edit the code of the bot, a permanent online version is available, which you can invite to your own Discord!.
If you want to edit the bot's code and host it on your machine, it's possible! You must follow the installation guide to properly install it! Don't worry, it's fast and simple if you follow the guide!