SoylentGraham / GrahamsCodingBlog

I've decided to start keeping a journal of all those little things that popup whilst coding.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Monday 9th December 2019

Messing with Openvr Overlays; (Making a game-universal portal/sync system between other devices and VR) TIL overlay planes are backface culled.

Thursday 5th December 2019, part2.

I wasted 20 minutes on part of AdventOfCode ( because I was re-using the memory I had already modified in part1. (I run both 1 & 2 in every execution). This is rarely an issue in javascript, (hurrah for scopes) but every so often...

Thursday 5th December 2019

This afternoon I've been trying to work out why my c# mp4 decoder (PopCodecs) is failing with a fragmented mp4 created from ffmpeg (ffmpeg -i cat_baseline.mp4 -c copy -movflags frag_keyframe+empty_moov cat_baseline_fragment.mp4) but has been working well when streaming from hololens. I tested my file against and the file is okay, but my values in the moof/trun atom (fragment sample table) are off (again, working before!)

Looked up the reference docs in my source and checked the flag bits... they're off. Checked the source of mp4parser...

Different flag layout...

enum TrunFlags  //	mp4 parser
	DataOffsetPresent = 0,
	FirstSampleFlagsPresent = 2,
	SampleDurationPresent = 8,
	SampleSizePresent = 9,
	SampleFlagsPresent = 10,
	SampleCompositionTimeOffsetPresent = 11
enum TrunFlags  //	ms (matching hololens stream)
	DataOffsetPresent = 0,
	FirstSampleFlagsPresent = 3,
	SampleDurationPresent = 9,
	SampleSizePresent = 10,
	SampleFlagsPresent = 11,
	SampleCompositionTimeOffsetPresent = 12

This seems like it's going to be a problem. (Both are version_byte=0)

Wednesday 4th December 2019

Hololens 2 is great. Tried at VRLO.

Monday 2nd December 2019

I got stuck today on because of a weird bug that threw me for a bit. This just crashes chrome (maybe v8?) but really I'd expect a syntax error :)

function Hello()

function DoTheThing()

async function Hello()

Hello().then( console.log ).catch( console.error );

Hello Worlf

I've decided I should keep a record of little bugs and annoyances and quirks whilst coding.

I'm lazy, so it's in markdown. There's no better todo list than todo.txt, I'm pretty sure this applies to logs too, and twitter just drowns in noise.


I've decided to start keeping a journal of all those little things that popup whilst coding.