SoumyaEXE / CinemaTracker

A Website To Track Your Movies , Made Using HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT

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CineTrack 🎬

Welcome to CineTrack, a platform where you can easily find your favorite movies and keep a record of what you want to watch.

This project is built using JavaScript and fetches data from the OMDB API to display movie information to the users.

Features 🎯

  • Search for a movie by its name πŸ”
  • View movie details πŸŽ₯
  • Add a movie to your watchlist πŸ“
  • Remove a movie from your watchlist πŸ—‘οΈ
  • Browse movies across different pages πŸ“ƒ

Pages πŸ“„

The website consists of two pages:

  • Movie Search page
  • Watchlist page

Movie Search Page 🎞️

The Movie Search Page allows you to search for a movie by its name. Simply type in the movie name and hit the search button to see the results.

Watchlist Page πŸ“ƒ

The Movie Result Page displays the results of your search. You can view the movie details, add it to your watchlist or remove it from the watchlist. The movies are displayed on different pages for easy browsing.

How it Works πŸ€”

The data from the OMDB API is fetched and stored in a JavaScript array. The details about the movies are then mapped to HTML elements using JavaScript and rendered to the user.

Conclusion πŸ’‘

Movie Suggestion Page is an easy and convenient platform to find your favorite movies and keep track of what you want to watch. The user-friendly interface and efficient functionality make it an excellent choice for movie enthusiasts.


A Website To Track Your Movies , Made Using HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 45.4%Language:CSS 33.5%Language:HTML 21.1%