The project is a habit tracker app that also has functions of a social network. Users can create an account, create/choose a selection of habits that they want to participate in and check off completed habits each day. The app is called Eco-Habiy.
There are graphs showing your progress, both in the current week and across the last seven natural days.
- Fork this repo
- Clone this repo
$ cd folder-project
$ npm install
$ npm start
const userSchema = new Schema({
username: { type: String, required: true, unique: true },
email: { type: String, required: true, trim: true, lowercase: true },
password: { type: String, required: true },
bio: { type: String, default: ''}
profilePic: { type: String, default: default.png },
habits: {[ type: schema.Types.ObjectID, ref: "Habit" ]}
friends: Array,
const habitSchema = new Schema({
title: { type: String, required: true },
user: { type: schema.Types.ObjectID, ref: "User" },
datescompleted: [{ type: String }],
groupOfUsers: {[ type: schema.Types.ObjectID, ref: "User" ]}
private: boolean });
Metodo | endPoint | Requiere | Accion |
GET | / | Loads homepage | |
GET | /signup | Loads Sign Up | |
POST | /signup | const {username, password, passwordRepeat, email} = req.body | Register user and redirects to /login |
GET | /login | Loads Login | |
POST | /login | const {username, password} = req.body | Logs a user in and redirects to profile |
GET | /logout | Elliminates req.session & redirects to "/" | |
GET | /forgot-password | Loads form page for requesting password | |
POST | /forgot-password | const {username} = req.body | Sends email for password retrieval |
GET | /:userId/new-password | Loads form page for entering new password | |
POST | /:userId/new-password | const {userId} = req.params; const {password, passwordRepeat} = req.body | Updates password and redirects to login |
GET | /profile | req.session.currentUser | Shows the user profile (with graph) |
GET | /getChartData | prepares user habits data for graph | |
GET | /profile/edit | req.session.currentUser | Shows form to change profile |
POST | /profile/edit | const {username, email, bio, profilePic} = req.params | Updates profile and redirects to profile |
GET | /habit/create | Shows form to create a habit | |
POST | /habit/create | const { title, description } = req.body | Creates habit and redirects to profile |
GET | /showhabit/:habitId | let { habitId } = req.params | Displays links for edit and delete routes |
GET | /:habitId/edit | let { habitId } = req.params | Displays edit habit form |
POST | /:habitId/edit | const { title, description } = req.body; let { habitId } = req.params | Updates habit and redirects to profile |
POST | /delete/:habitId | let { habitId } = req.params | Deletes habit |
POST | /search | redirects to found user's public profile | |
GET | /:username | let { username } = req.params | shows a user's public profile |
POST | /:userId/join/:habitId | let { habitId, userId } = req.params | creates new habit copy and updates the other |
GET | /grouphabit/:habitId | let { habitId } = req.params | Shows group shared habit |
POST | /habits/:habitId | let habitId = req.params.habitId | Updates habit as completed for current date |
This project mimics an API through an internal route so that we can fetch the json data through axios and display it through a chart.js graph.