Souhardya-Ganguly / TCS-Insight-Supermarket-System

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Problem statement:-

Design and Develop a Supermarket management system

There should be 2 types of user level: Administrator and Salesperson.

The inventory module should consist of the following fields :

  1. Product Number
  2. Product Name
  3. Product Type [Grocery/Dairy/Cosmetics]
  4. Price
  5. Quantity

The access is given to Administrator alone. An Administrator should be able to

Create, Modify and Delete products Search on Product Number/Product Name

The Sales module should consist of

  1. Date
  2. Product Number
  3. Product Name
  4. Quantity
  5. Price
  6. Total Cost

This module is accessible by Administrator and Salesperson.

The Administrator should be able to

->Create entries
->Modify entries
->Delete entries

The salesperson should be able to

->Create entries
->Modify entries

At the end of the day:-

->The sum of quantities of a particular product in the sales module should be tallied with the Inventory module and report should be generated on the current stock of products. ->The total cost in the sales module should be tallied with sum of the prices of individual products sold.

Project contributors:-
-> Shubhrima Jana (



Language:Python 100.0%