- file input 28*28 pixel of image (need to divide to 256.0 to floating point).
- load 5*5 kernel (or called filter) data from ROM.
- First Convolution
- Stride: 1
- 28*28
- Create 24*24(matrix) * 6 (channel) Convolved feature.
- store(write) into RAM (index: 0~3455).
- Adding bias.
- Normalisation: using Activation function
$ReLU(x) = max(x,0)$
- First Pooling
- Stride: 2
- Load First Convulution layer data (24*24)*6 from RAM.
- Create 12*12*6 filter and store(write) into RAM (index: 3456~4319).
- Second Convolution
- load 5*5*6(depth) kernel (or called filter) data from ROM.
- Stride: 1
- Depth: 6
- Create 8*8 (matrix) * 16 (Depth or called channel) Convolved feature.
- Store(write) into RAM (index: 4320~5343)
- Adding bias
- Normalisation: using Activation function
$ReLU(x) = max(x,0)$
- Second Pooling
- Stride: 2
- Load First Convulution layer data (8*8)*16 from RAM. (index: 4320~5343)
- Create 4*4*16 filter and store(write) into RAM (index: 5344~5599).
- First fully connected layer
- Load Second Pooling layer data from RAM. (index: 5344~5599)
- Write 128 neuron into RAM (index 5600~5727)
- Second fully connected layer
- Load First fully connected layer neuron data from RAM. (index: 5600~5727)
- Write 84 neuron into RAM (index 5728~5811)
- Third fully connected layer
- Load Second fully connected layer neuron data from RAM. (index: 5728~5811)
- write into Result to Monitor block, and it will output result.
- MODE = 1 (floating), File = 1
- MODE = 1 (floating), File = 2
- MODE = 2 (floating), File = 1
- pct (PA)