Song-Liyang / tasmark

Bioinformatic software for TAPS DNA methylation sequencing

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A Bioinformatic Toolkit for TAPS DNA Methylation Sequencing
v0.1.0 by Song Liyang
This program was written by Song Liyang (, Peking University.
This program was built on source code from Bismark 0.2.0 by Felix Krueger


Download tasmark file and execute(don't forget chmod +x) directly. Tasmark need Perl, Bowtie2 and Samtools.

USAGE: tasmark [options] <genome_folder> --index <index_name> {-1 <mates1> -2 <mates2> | <singles>}

The path to the folder containing the reference genome .fa or fa.gz

--index <index_name>
path/to/bowtie2/index/your_basename Tasmark will search for your_basename.1.bt2.Tasmark need existing bowtie2_builder index instead of extra "genome preparation" step.

<reads> or -1 <reads1> -2 <reads2>
fasta file or fastQ file of single_end(read1 only) or paired_end sequencing data.

-o Output directoy (current directoy default).
--multicore <int> Run on multiple CPUs.
--non_directional Library prep with multiple rounds of random primming just after C->T conversion.

Other options is almost same to Bismark. Use --help for detail.


Bismark style sam files with following info (tab separate).

1.QNAME (seq-ID)
2.FLAG ( bowtie2 provid)
3.RNAME (chromosome name)
4.POS (start position)
5.MAPQ (only calculated for Bowtie 2, always 255 for Bowtie)
10.SEQ (forward strand)
11.QUAL (Phred33 scale)
12.NM-tag (hemming distance to the reference)
13.MD-tag (base-by-base mismatches to the reference)
14.XM-tag (methylation call string,forward strand)
15.XR-tag (read conversion state for the alignment,NN , CT or GA)
16.XG-tag (genome conversion state for the alignment, alwaysNN)

For methylation call string (XM-tag), same like Bismark.

  • z - C in CpG context - unmethylated
  • Z - C in CpG context - methylated
  • x - C in CHG context - unmethylated
  • X - C in CHG context - methylated
  • h - C in CHH context - unmethylated
  • H - C in CHH context - methylated
  • u - C in Unknown context (CN or CHN) - unmethylated
  • U - C in Unknown context (CN or CHN) - methylated
  • . - not a C or irrelevant position

tasmark_methylation_extractor extract methylation call to bed file, same function in bismark. usage: ./tasmark_methylation_extractor yoursample.sam
use --bedgraph to make a cov file (make sure tasmark2bedGraph has been downloaded).


Bioinformatic software for TAPS DNA methylation sequencing


Language:Perl 100.0%