Solant / rebel

Binary file description language

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



(Roughly Elaborate Binary Expression Language) is a binary file description language and a compiler inspired by Kaitai Struct with some new key features:

  • Support of both read and write operations
  • Separate language for data description

It produces minimal output with no external dependencies, so you can use compiled sources with no hassle against build systems (I'm looking at you, CMake)

Online demo (fully-fledged browser version)

Supported languages

Core compiler is implemented with TypeScript, however, it can generate sources for any other language.

Language Package
TypeScript target-ts
Java TBD

Any new languages implementations are welcome :^]


Rebel is split into multiple packages, so you can select how you want it to be installed:

  1. CLI version
npm i @rebel-struct/core @rebel-struct/cli
  1. Programmatic
npm i @rebel-struct/core

By default core won't have any language support, so you'll also need target package for your language, for example for TypeScript

npm i @rebel-struct/target-ts
  1. Nah, I just need some sources and thats it

Compile sources with online version and copy it to your project

File structure description


File contains several structure declarations in next format:

  • simple
struct TwoNumbers {
  num1: i32;
  num2: i32;
  • and default
default struct MainStructure {
  numbers: TwoNumbers;

exactly one default structure is required for a file, as it will be used to generate public read and write functions.


Structures can define several fields in next format: <fieldName>: <type>;. All fields with the exception of dependant fields will be generated in output code, for example:

default struct MainStruct {
  myField: i32;

will generate this TypeScript code:

interface MainStruct {
  myField: i32;
readMainStruct(...) {
  let object = .....;
  object.myField = <read 32 bit value>

Simple Types

Rebel type C++ type
i8 int8_t
i16 int16_t
i32 int32_t
i64 int64_t
u8 uint8_t
u16 uint16_t
u32 uint32_t
u64 uint64_t


Some binary data might require dynamic arrays support, for this case type array is available:

default struct ArrayStruct {
    length: i32 = lengthof(data);
    data: array<i32>(length);

length: i32 = lengthof(data) is computed property. It allows description of dynamic data that has dependencies on different fields. This field won't be available for direct read/write operations, but will be properly handled during serialization/deserialization.

With array<i32>(length) you can define array with dynamic size of field length. Field will be read during deserialization, and written during serialization stage automatically.

This can also be used if binary data store size instead of length, for example:

default struct ArrayWithSizeStruct {
    size: i32 = lengthof(data)*4;
    data: array<i32>(size/4);

In this way size field will store size (in bytes) of 32-bit integer array data while preserving correct binary contents for serialization process.


Binary file description language

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 91.7%Language:Vue 4.5%Language:JavaScript 3.7%Language:CSS 0.1%