Soheil-ab / C2TCP-IFIP

C2TCP: A Cellular Controlled delay TCP

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C2TCP v1.0

This is the first version of C2TCP: A Cellular Controlled delay TCP presented at IFIP Networking 2018 Conference ( , , ).

For the second version of C2TCP published in IEEE JSAC 2019 (C2TCP: A Flexible Cellular TCP to Meet Stringent Delay Requirements, available at:, please check out:

Installation Guide

Here we will provide you with detailed instructions to test C2TCP on single machine.

Getting the Source Code:

Note: C2TCP is implemented on Linux kernel 4.13.1.

Get the source code:

cd ~
git clone
cd c2tcp
tar -xzf c2tcp.tar.gz

Installing Required Tools

General Note: Installing any of the following tools/schemes, depending on your machine, might require other libraries (in addition to what have been mentioned here). So, if you get any errors mentioning that something not being found when you try to make, install them using apt-get.

  1. Install Mahimahi (

    cd ~/c2tcp/c2tcp
    sudo apt-get install build-essential git debhelper autotools-dev dh-autoreconf iptables protobuf-compiler libprotobuf-dev pkg-config libssl-dev dnsmasq-base ssl-cert libxcb-present-dev libcairo2-dev libpango1.0-dev iproute2 apache2-dev apache2-bin iptables dnsmasq-base gnuplot iproute2 apache2-api-20120211 libwww-perl
    git clone 
    cd mahimahi
    ./ && ./configure && make
    sudo make install
    sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
  2. Install iperf

    sudo apt-get install iperf

Installing Other Schemes

BBR, C2TCP, Vegas, Reno, and Cubic are already part of the patch. To install Sprout and Verus follow the following instructions:

  1. Build Sprout (

    sudo apt-get install libboost-math-dev libboost-math1.54.0 libprotobuf8 libprotobuf-dev 
    cd ~/c2tcp/c2tcp/alfalfa
    ./configure --enable-examples && make	
  2. Build Verus (

    Required packages: libtbb libasio libalglib libboost-system

    sudo apt-get install build-essential autoconf libtbb-dev libasio-dev libalglib-dev libboost-system-dev
    cd ~/c2tcp/c2tcp/verus
    autoreconf -i
    ./configure && make

Adding C2TCP to Kernel

Option 1:

Simply install the debian packages of the patched kernel:

cd ~/c2tcp/
sudo dpkg -i linux-image*
sudo dpkg -i linux-header*
sudo reboot 
uname -r

Option 2:

Build kernel from source file.

  1. Get the kernel:

    cd ~/c2tcp/
    tar -xzf linux-4.13.1.tar.gz
  2. Apply C2TCP patch to the kernel

    cd linux-4.13.1
    patch -p1 < ~/c2tcp/c2tcp.kernel.4.13.1.patch
  3. Prepare it for being compiled:

    Open the kernel menu settings:

    sudo cp /boot/config-`uname -r` .config
    sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev
    sudo make menuconfig

    The command above will open a window inside of the shell. We wanna decrease overall complilation time of the new Kernel, so at least do the followings:

    “Processor type and features” , then “Processor family ”. Choose the processor (Most likely you need to choose “Core 2/newer Xeon”). Return to the first menu. Go to "Device Drivers" and disable "staging drivers"

    (You can uncheck different drivers to expedite the compilation)

    If you want to have BBR and Vegas protocols, you need to select them in this step, before compiling the kernel.

    Exit from Kernel Configuration window saving the changes on .config file.

  4. Compile the kenel:

    Finally, it’s time to compile the kernel. This will take time, please be patient ... (On one of our servers with 24 cores, this took 9 minutes)

    The option -j sets the number of cores that will be used for compilation, increase it from 4 to the number of cores that you have.

    sudo make -j4
  5. Install kernel:

    After compiled successfully, we need to install it:

    sudo make modules_install
    sudo make install
  6. Set the new kerenl as the default kernel:

    The new kernel is installed; Now we need to boot from it.

    sudo apt-get install grub-pc
    sudo upgrade-from-grub-legacy
    sudo update-grub
    sudo update-initramfs -k 4.13.1 -u
    sudo update-grub

    You might be aked to configure grub and install it on your partions. So follow the instructions on screen to do that.

    Install grub-customizer (It's a cool tool which makes life easier for changing the default kernel!):

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:danielrichter2007/grub-customizer
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install grub-customizer

    Then open grub-customizer and bring at the first line (and its recovery at the second line), Save and Restart.

  7. Verify the new kernel.

    uname -r

    You should see

    Check whether C2TCP is there:

    sysctl net.ipv4.tcp_c2tcp_enable

    You should see:

    net.ipv4.tcp_c2tcp_enable = 0

    We will later enable C2TCP during our evaluation.

Running The Evaluation

For the simplicity, first we disable password-timeout of sudo command:

sudo visudo

Now add following line and save it:

Defaults    timestamp_timeout=-1	

We have put required commands to run evaluation and generate the results for differnet schemes in one script. Here, we run C2TCP (with Target=100ms, Interval=100ms), Cubic, TCP Vegas, and NewReno using the T-Mobile Downlink trace file with following command: (For more information on how to use the script, check comments in "", "", and "" scripts)

cd ~/c2tcp/c2tcp/
./ 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 5000

After that, you can check summary of results:

 cat sum/summary-20-TMobile-LTE-driving.down-TMobile-LTE-driving.up-20-480.txt


C2TCP: A Cellular Controlled delay TCP