SoftwareHeritage / webgraph-tinkerpop

TinkerPop implementation for WebGraph

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

TinkerPop implementation for WebGraph

Provides the ability to execute Gremlin queries on graphs compressed with WebGraph.


mvn compile assembly:single

Execute query (Java 11)

java -cp target/webgraph-tinkerpop-*.jar org.webgraph.tinkerpop.Main <graph_path> <query> [--profile]

if specified --profile will output query metrics instead of the results.


Print vertices

java -cp target/webgraph-tinkerpop-*.jar org.webgraph.tinkerpop.Main "src/main/resources/example/example" "g.V()" 


Open a WebGraphGraph instance with one of the open methods. Use WebgraphGremlinQueryExecutor to execute Gremlin queries.

Properties and labels

In order for Gremlin to access your properties, you need to provide an implementation of WebGraphPropertyProvider . The implementation will let Gremlin access node/edge properties by id. You can either use SimpleWebGraphPropertyProvider , or provide your own implementation.

Example (swh-graph)

public class Server {
    public Server(String graphPath) throws IOException {
        this.graphPath = graphPath;
        this.graph = Graph.loadLabelled(graphPath); // Load graph into memory. Labels will provide edge properties.
        this.graph.loadAuthorTimestamp(); // Load a property file.
        this.propertyProvider = new SwhWebGraphPropertyProvider(graph);

    public void printQuery(String query) {
        try (WebGraphGraph g =, graphSettings, graphPath)) {
            WebgraphGremlinQueryExecutor e = new WebgraphGremlinQueryExecutor(g);

public class SwhWebGraphPropertyProvider implements WebGraphPropertyProvider {
    private final Graph graph;

    public SwhWebGraphPropertyProvider(Graph graph) {
        this.graph = graph;

    public String vertexLabel(long nodeId) {
        return graph.getNodeType(nodeId).toString();

    public String[] vertexProperties(long nodeId) {
        return new String[]{"author_timestamp"};

    public Object vertexProperty(String key, long nodeId) {
        if (!"author_timestamp".equals(key)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Unknown property key: " + key);
        long authorTimestamp = graph.getAuthorTimestamp(nodeId);
        return authorTimestamp == Long.MIN_VALUE ? null : authorTimestamp;

    public String[] edgeProperties(long fromId, long toId) {
        return new String[]{"dir_entry"};

    public String edgeLabel(long fromId, long toId) {
        return "edge";

    public Object edgeProperty(String key, long fromId, long toId) {
        if (!key.equals("dir_entry")) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Unknown property key: " + key);
        var s = graph.labelledSuccessors(fromId);
        long succ;
        while ((succ = s.nextLong()) != -1) {
            if (succ == toId) {
                return s.label().get();
        return null;

public class Server {
    public Server(String graphPath) throws IOException {
        this.graph = Graph.loadLabelled(graphPath);  // Load graph into memory. Labels will provide edge properties.
        this.propertyProvider = new SimpleWebGraphPropertyProvider();
        this.propertyProvider.addVertexProperty(new FileVertexProperty<>("author_timestamp", Long.class, Path.of(path + ".property.author_timestamp.bin"))); // FileVertexProperty will read the property value from disk
        this.propertyProvider.addEdgeProperty(new ArcLabelEdgeProperty<>((ArcLabelledImmutableGraph) graph.getGraph().getForwardGraph())); // Use arc labels as edge property.
        this.propertyProvider.setVertexLabeller(id -> graph.getNodeType(id).toString()); // Provide custom vertex labels

    public void printQuery(String query) {
        try (WebGraphGraph g =, graphSettings, graphPath)) {
            WebgraphGremlinQueryExecutor e = new WebgraphGremlinQueryExecutor(g);


TinkerPop implementation for WebGraph

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Java 100.0%