SofianeHamlaoui / SofianeHamlaoui

Sofiane Hamlaoui

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Hi 👋, I'm Sofiane Hamlaoui

🌏 Lyon, France

🏆 GitHub Trophies


💡 Current Open Source Project ❓❗️

The augmented model project was born during an experiment as part of the MAM project: Mediation and Augmented Modeling. Various workshops were organized in collaboration with LabEx IMU, ERASME Urban Lab and the École Urbaine de Lyon.

The new project consists of a model of a city district made from Lego and created from a web platform. This model is made to be installed in public places and used in the context of mediation or neighborhood council, in collaboration with Métropole De Lyon, DatAgora, Université de Lyon and Exo-Dev

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