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Performance testing matchers for RSpec

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Performance testing matchers for RSpec

RSpec::Benchmark uses benchmark-perf for measurements.


Integration and unit tests ensure that changing code maintains expected functionality. What is not guaranteed is the code changes impact on library performance. It is easy to refactor your way out of fast to slow code.

If you are new to performance testing you may find Caveats section helpful.



Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'rspec-benchmark'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install rspec-benchmark

1. Usage

For matchers to be available globally, in spec_helper.rb do:

require 'rspec-benchmark'

RSpec.configure do |config|
  config.include RSpec::Benchmark::Matchers

This will add the perform_under, perform_at_least, perform_faster_than and perform_slower_than matchers to express expected performance benchmark for code executed inside the expectation.

Alternatively, you can add matchers for particular example:

RSpec.describe "Performance testing" do
  include RSpec::Benchmark::Matchers

1.1 Execution time

The perform_under matcher answers the question of how long does it take to perform a given block of code on average. The measurements are taken executing the block of code in a child process for accurent cpu times.

expect { ... }.to perform_under(0.01).sec

All measurements are assumed to be expressed as seconds. However, you can also provide time in ms, us and ns. The equivalent example in ms would be:

expect { ... }.to perform_under(10).ms

by default the above code will be sampled 30 times but you can change this by using and_sample like so:

expect { ... }.to perform_under(0.01).and_sample(10)

1.2 Iterations

The perform_at_least matcher allows you to establish performance benchmark of how many iterations per second a given block of code should perform. For example, to expect a given code to perform at least 10K iterations per second do:

expect { ... }.to perform_at_least(10000).ips

The ips part is optional but its usage clarifies the intent.

The performance timining of this matcher can be tweaked using the :time and :warmup parameters. These are expressed as seconds. By default :time is set to 0.2 and :warmup to 0.1 respectively. To change parameters do:

expect { ... }.to perform_at_least(10000, time: 0.4, warmup: 0.2) { ... }

The higher values for :time and :warmup the more accurate average readings and hence more stable tests at the cost of longer test suite overall time.

1.3 Comparison

The perform_faster_than and perform_slower_than matchers allow you to test performance of your code compared with other. For example:

expect { ... }.to perform_faster_than { ... }
expect { ... }.to perform_slower_than { ... }

And if you want to compare how much faster or slower your code is do:

expect { ... }.to perform_faster_than { ... }.once
expect { ... }.to perform_faster_than { ... }.twice
expect { ... }.to perform_faster_than { ... }.exactly(5).times
expect { ... }.to perform_faster_than { ... }.at_least(5).times
expect { ... }.to perform_faster_than { ... }.at_most(5).times

expect { ... }.to perform_slower_than { ... }.once
expect { ... }.to perform_slower_than { ... }.twice
expect { ... }.to perform_slower_than { ... }.at_least(5).times
expect { ... }.to perform_slower_than { ... }.at_most(5).times
expect { ... }.to perform_slower_than { ... }.exactly(5).times

The times part is also optional.

The performance timining of each matcher can be tweaked using the :time and :warmup parameters. These are expressed as seconds. By default :time is set to 0.2 and :warmup to 0.1 respectively. To change parameters do:

expect { ... }.to perform_faster_than(time: 0.4, warmup: 0.2) { ... }

The higher values for :time and :warmup the more accurate average readings and hence more stable tests at the cost of longer test suite overall time.

2 Filtering

Usually performance tests are best left for CI or occasional runs that do not affect TDD/BDD cycle. To achieve isolation you can use RSpec filters. For instance, in spec_helper:

config.filter_run_excluding performance: true

and then in your example group do:

RSpec.describe ..., performance: true do

Another option is to simply isolate the performance specs in separate directory suc as spec/performance/... and add custom rake task.

3 Caveats

When writing performance tests things to be mindful are:

  • The tests may potentially be flaky thus its best to use sensible boundaries:
    • too strict boundaries may cause false positives, making tests fail
    • too relaxed boundaries may also lead to false positives missing actual performance regressions
  • Generally performance tests will be slow, but you may try to avoid unnecessarily slow tests by choosing smaller maximum value for sampling

If you have any other observations please share them!


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


Copyright (c) 2016-2017 Piotr Murach. See LICENSE for further details.


Performance testing matchers for RSpec

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 100.0%