Snowlabs / bartender

Bar generator for lemonbar

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Usage | Installation | Blocks

Simple, modular bar generator Designed to be used with lemonbar



Blocks many more blocks to come... (contributions are very welcome)


Bars can easily be generated using a shell script. The script must have the genbar command and the commands under block in its path. Alternatively, the $TENDERBLOCKS variable can be set to the blocks directory for genbar to prepend to the path.

Next, the string for lemonbar is piped into genbar, where each command to be run is delimited by << and >>, which can be changed.

Finally, the output of genbar is piped into lemonbar. Each step can be seen in the example script below. lemonbar's output can also be piped to sh for buttons.



# Optional env variable used by genbar to prepend to the path
export TENDERBLOCKS="path/to/bartender/block"

# Between brackets the string to be piped is generated
# This allows us to break down the string into readable segments
# -n is used to not have a newline. Any command can be used, such as printf

# Make sure genbar is in the PATH

# Center
echo -n "%{c}"
echo -n "<<clock +%H:%M>>"

} | genbar | lemonbar | sh


Manual Installation

Bartender can simply be installed by cloning the repo and adding the root directory to PATH. For the blocks, any script can be used. genbar allows the usage of a $TENDERBLOCKS variable, which is prepended to the PATH. This can be used to point to the block directory.

$ git clone ~/.local/share/Bartender
$ mkdir -p ~/bin
$ ln -sT ~/.local/share/Bartender/genbar ~/bin/genbar
$ chmod +x ~/bin/genbar
# make sure bin ~/bin is in your PATH

~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc

export TENDERBLOCKS="~/.local/share/bartender/block"

Recommended Installation

We recommend using zplug for an easy installation: (Don't forget to set the path to the tender blocks!)


export TENDERBLOCKS="<ZPLUG_HOME>/repos/Snowlabs/bartender/block"

zplug "Snowlabs/bartender", use:"genbar", as:command

<zplug_home> is ~/.zplug by default


πŸ’£: Event-based

βŒ›: Not event-based



Prints the current time. Uses the same format as the date command.

Option Description Default
-n Update interval for the clock 5
Format used by the date command



Option Description Default
-n Update inverval 300
-H Make output human readable false
-t Type of info to output: size, used available, used% percent
-f Floating point precision for human-readable output 2
Mountpoint of the partition /

Print info about the specified partition. Can print the disk size, used space, available space and the used percentage.



For i3wm, print the focused window.


Deps: python3 PyPI modules: i3ipc



Option Description Default
-m Which monitor to show workspaces from All
-c Add lemonbar formatted scroll actions
-S Strip workspace numbers
-B Add lemonbar formatted numbers for changing workspace
-s Separator
-f Prefix and suffix for unfocused workspace
-F Prefix and suffix for focused workspace
-u Prefix and suffix for urgent workspace

Print the workspaces under i3wm.


Deps: python3 PyPI modules: i3ipc



Default button arguments use fontawesome.

Option Description Default
-f Specify the format of the output
-s Used with -f. Specify the spacer string
-p String for the previous button
-n String for the next button
-P String for the play button
-S String for the payse button

Print information about music, using various backends. Current supports only mpd-based servers through mpc.

Event-based with mpc

Optional deps: mpc



Option Description Default
-j Use the jamyxer backend
-c Audio channel to use
-s Add lemonbar scroll buttons to change volume
-i Interval for changing volume (step)

Print volume information, for various backends. Currently supports: ALSA, jamyxer

Event-based with the jamyxer backend

Optional deps: alsa-utils or jmctl (from jamyxer)


Bar generator for lemonbar

License:MIT License


Language:Shell 51.8%Language:Python 48.2%