Snehal-Reddy / MedAI

AI based Medical Assistance App

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Built with ❤

An intelligent and responsible medical app.

Installation and Requirements to run the backend:

  1. Basic libraries such as numpy, matplotlib, cv2, requests, time, flask.

  2. pip install git+ and pip install git+ . This installs medaCy NER which is built upon Spacy.

  3. We use Microsoft Azure's Computer Vision API to extract text (both handwritten and typed). You will require a valid key which you can find in your Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services Account.

  4. Add the key in the file backend/ by setting the value of the variable _key.


Doctor Prescription Parser -


Interctive Symptom Checker -

alt_text alt_text alt_text


AI based Medical Assistance App


Language:Python 44.1%Language:JavaScript 33.4%Language:HTML 20.0%Language:CSS 2.5%