Stephon Smith's repositories


This particular project is an ode to one of my favorite Family Guy characters, Ollie Williams. If you weren't aware, Ollie Williams is a meteorologist on the fictional hit television show "Family Guy." He provides a quick bit of comic relief that always amused me so when this project came up in my boot camp there was only one name that came to mind - Ollie. I hope that you enjoy this app, it's functionality, and the useful bits of information that it provides for you. I'm still very new in my journey as a developer but I wanted this to be a great representation of not only my skills but my ability to utilize the resources around me. Enjoy!



"Fit-Universe" was created to be a demonstration of Vue's composition API, state management capabilities with Vue version 3 (provide/inject), and a way users can chat in real time while also inputting their workout into the database.



This is a simple chat applications built using Vue for the front end and Firebase for the hosting and back end. This was a part of an online course. Users are able to login or signup for the applications which will generate a token that's monitored throughout their time on the application. The user token persists even when navigating to the welcome page. The chatroom itself is blocked by requiring authorization from the user. Data entered into the comment area is automatically input into the chat window using the Firestore onSnapshot method which allows Firebase to return snapshots of collection data whenever a user inputs something new.



"Drinkology" was created to allow end users to look up cocktail recipes, and master the art of mixology in the comfort of their own home. Members are able to sign in and save recipes to their account as well as leave reviews and see reviews generated by other users.



The intent of this application is to allow the user to select several different parameters in order to generate a random password. This includes the user inputting their desired length as well as if they'd like lowercase, uppercase, numbers, or special characters in their password. A limitation of this password is how to clear the password text area in order to generate a new password. The user currently has to refresh the application in order to generate a new password.



This project is related to the interview process for Echelon Fitness and is intended to be a demonstration of my ability to create a single page application using Vue 3. In this project you'll find that I use Vue 3's composition API, the provide/inject methods to pass prop data and manage state, ref/reactive, template refs, and the Element Plus UI library to make this an easy to use.



This project is intended to be a demonstration of refactoring a Context API to one that uses a Redux store. For this project we were provided starter code of an e-commerce side that we added state management to throughout the module. As students we were challenged with reading the Redux documentation to increase our understanding of another package that performs similar functionality while also increasing our exposure to how developers will have to parse through documentation they may be unfamiliar with to resolve an issue in development. It's intended that when reviewing the code behind this project that you'll find a refactored code document that uses Redux to handle state management for the web application.



This is the repository to host my developer portfolio created with REACT.



UCF Coding Bootcamp Module One Challenge



"Schedule Basic" is intended to be a productivity web application with the hopes of simplifying the users day to day work experience. If someone were to log into their place of work and need to schedule items throughout the day then this would be perfect since it allows the user to set items as they go along. Items that occur before the current time are greyed out, those in the near future change color, and those that are currently happening also have their own distinctive color.



This application is a coding challenge that's a part of the University of Central Florida's coding bootcamp. It's intended that this application will test my knowledge of Web API's as well as all information previously covered within this course. For this challenge I aim to create a website that generates a quiz on Javascript basics.
