Smartcoins Foundation (Smartcoins-Foundation)

Smartcoins Foundation


Geek Repo

The Smartcoins Foundation is an organization merging machine learning, blockchain, cybernetics to experiment and implement new kinds of financial organization

Location:Geneva, Switzerland

Home Page:

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Smartcoins Foundation's repositories


SmartChains is a new framework for the development and test of new forms of blockchain services based on machine learning, cybernetics and alternative economical paradigms. Smartchain is the tool softwares side of the Smartchains project.



SmartChains is a new framework for the development and test of new forms of blockchain services based on machine learning, cybernetics and alternative economical paradigms. Smartchaind is the daemon software side of the Smartchains project.



SmartChains is a new framework for the development and test of new forms of blockchain services based on machine learning, cybernetics and alternative economical paradigms. Libsmartchain is the library side of the Smartchains project.
