SmartThingsCommunity / st-schema-simple-example-js

Very simple ST-Schema connector that creates one device

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ST Schema Simple Example

This application is about the simplest possible implementation of an ST Schema cloud-to-cloud device integration. It's built using the ST Schema SDK for NodeJs. This example creates a single simulated dimmer device named Test Dimmer. The state of the dimmer is saved in memory to keep the implementation as simple as possible, so restarting the server will reset it's switch status to 'off' and switch dimmer level to 100%.

Note that ST Schema requires your cloud application to support OAuth 2 for authentication. This example does not include an OAuth server, but it does include instructions for remixing a Glitch dummy OAuth server to handle that part of the login process


  • connector.js -- The ST Schema connector app built with the st-schema SDK
  • index.js -- An AWS Lambda handler that hosts the connector.
  • server.js -- An express web server that hosts the connector

Getting Started

Running locally



  1. Clone this project

  2. CD into the project directory and run npm install

  3. Copy .env-sample into a file named .env and change the ACCESS_TOKEN_PREFIX value some other string so that only you can access your server.

  4. Start the server with node server.js

  5. Start ngrok to tunnel traffic to your server URL and port (localhost:3000).

  6. Register the webhook url in SmartThings Developer Workspace and deploy it for testing.

  7. Install the SmartThings mobile app from the iOS App Store or Google Play Store, log in with the same email address and password used for your developer workspace account, and create a location (if you have not already done so)

  8. Put the SmartThings mobile app in developer mode and tap the "+" button at the top to add a device. Scroll down to My Testing Devices tap on it, and select your connector. Complete the OAuth login process and return to the Devices page. You should be prompted to assign a device named Test Dimmer to a room.

Running in Glitch



  1. Remix the st-schema-simple-example project.

  2. Set the values in the .env file using .env-example as a guide.

  3. Once the remixed app is up and running copy its URL.

  4. Register the webhook url in SmartThings Developer Workspace and deploy it for testing.

  5. Install the SmartThings mobile app from the iOS App Store or Google Play Store, log in with the same email address and password used for your developer workspace account, and create a location (if you have not already done so)

  6. Put the SmartThings mobile app in developer mode and tap the "+" button at the top to add a device. Scroll down to My Testing Devices tap on it, and select your connector. Complete the OAuth login process and return to the Devices page. You should be prompted to assign a device named Test Dimmer to a room.

Running in AWS Lambda



  1. Clone this project

  2. CD into the project directory and run npm install

  3. Zip the contents of the project directory and upload it to create a Lambda function using the _Node.js 10xruntime namedsimple-st-schema` (or anything you want, just substitue that name into the statement in the next step)

  4. Using the AWS cli grant permission for SmartThings to call your Lambda by running the command:

  aws lambda add-permission --profile default \
      --function-name simple-st-schema --statement-id smartthings \ 
      --principal 148790070172 --action lambda:InvokeFunction
  1. Register the Lambda ARN in the SmartThings Developer Workspace and deploy it for testing.

  2. Install the SmartThings mobile app from the iOS App Store or Google Play Store, log in with the same email address and password used for your developer workspace account, and create a location (if you have not already done so)

  3. Put the SmartThings mobile app in developer mode and tap the "+" button at the top to add a device. Scroll down to My Testing Devices tap on it, and select your connector. Complete the OAuth login process and return to the Devices page. You should be prompted to assign a device named Test Dimmer to a room.

Configuring the Dummy OAuth Server

ST Schema connectors require an OAuth2 connection journey. Since this example app does not include OAuth support you must use some other server to complete that journey. It can be any server supporting OAuth2 as long as it is configured with the same client ID and client secret as the ST Schema connector you registered in the Developer Workspace. For convenience we've provided a dummy OAuth server that accepts any username and password and can be configured with your client ID and secret.

  1. Remix the st-dummy-oauth-server project

  2. Edit the .env file to set your own client ID and secret, for example:


Testing the device

Tap the Test Dimmer device icon in the main devices view and it should turn on and off. You should see ST Schema requests and responses logged to the console. Remove the .enableEventLogging(2) line from connector.js to stop these messages. Go into the detail view of the device to see the brightness control. Sliding this control will also result in calls to your connector and messages logged to the console.

Did that, what's next?

Check out the ST Schema Callback Example to see how to add proactive statecallbacks to your connector.


Very simple ST-Schema connector that creates one device


Language:JavaScript 100.0%