SmartData-Polito / darkvec

This repo contains the codes and the notebooks used for the paper "DarkVec: Automatic Analysis of Darknet Traffic with Word Embeddings".

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DarkVec: Automatic Analysis of Darknet Traffic with Word Embeddings

In this repository we report all artifacts for experiments of the paper DarkVec: Automatic Analysis of Darknet Traffic with Word Embeddings. The current version is v2 after the paper review. in the changelog session the main changes are reported.

Note: All source code and data we provide are the ones included in the paper. We provide the source code and a description for generating the intermediate preprocessing files with the obtained results. To speed up the notebook execution, by default we trim the file loading.

Please, note that when running the code without starting from the provided intermediate files, or because of random seeds used in third-party libraries, some results may slightly chage from one run to another. The general trends observed in the paper are however stable.

Notice that this repository has already been updated to include novel experiments and some changes requested by the reviewers. More changes will be included in the coming weeks to reflect the camera-ready version.

Table Of Content

How to reproduce results in the paper?

Note: This guide assumes a Debian-like system (tested on Ubuntu 20.04 & Debian 11).

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Download the two gzip files from:

A password is required to download the traces above. Contact the authors in case you want to have access to the data. The reason for this protection is that some IP addresses sending traffic to the darknet can be victims of attacks, such as people that have the PC hacked and take part on scan activity without their knowledge.

  1. Unzip the coNEXT.tar.gz file into a subfolder of this repository called coNEXT

tar -zxvf coNEXT.tar.gz

  1. Unzip the raw.tar.gz file into a subfolder of this repository called raw

tar -zxvf raw.tar.gz

  1. Install the virtualenv library (python3 is assumed):

pip3 install --user virtualenv

  1. Create a new virtual environment and activate it:
virtualenv darkvec-env
source darkvec-env/bin/activate
  1. Install the required libraries (python3 is assumed):

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

  1. Run the notebooks described next. For example, to run the first notebook:

jupyter-lab 01-darknet-overview.ipynb

Note that the raw data is used to create the intermediate datasets in the coNEXT folder. Notebooks are provided (as Appendix) for this step. Given the size of the raw traces a spark cluster is recommended for this step.

  1. When the notebook exploration is ended, remember to deactivate the virtual environment:


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Project Structure

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Firstly we provide an overview of the folders and data in the project.


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The experiments discussed in the paper are reported in the following notebooks in the main folder:

  • 01-darknet-overview.ipynb: jupyter notebook performing the darknet characterization reported in the paper;
  • 02-baseline.ipynb: experiments performed with the supervised approach. Section Baseline of the paper;
  • 03-grid-search.ipynb: unsupervised clustering algorithms and results of the manual clusters inspection;
  • 04-clustering.ipynb: experiments performed during the DarkVec grid search.

The previous notebooks start from intermediate datasets and pre-trained models. These steps are time consuming, in particular for alternative approaches. They can be reproduced with the following notebooks:

  • A01-corpus-generation.ipynb: Appendix1. Code used for generating the corpus of the experiments. Ideally, it should be run on a Spark cluster. The provided notebook is steup for spark stand-alone, which is not scalable;
  • A02-model-training.ipynb: Appendix2. Training of the models used in the paper (requires Gensim);
  • A03-darknet-interim: Appendix3. Some intermediate preprocessing. To reduce the notebook runtime, we save intermediate dataframes and load them instead of always recomputing everything. In this notebook, user can observe and repeat such preprocessing.

src Folder

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Python libraries and utilities designed for the experiments:

  • ``fastplot'' callbacks for generating the figures of the paper;
  • implementation of the k-nearest-neighbor-graph described in the paper;
  • some utility functions;
  • utility functions used in notebooks after the paper review. Mainly used in the baseline experiments;
  • implementation of the supervised k-Means algorithm described in the paper;

Configuration File

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For running the experiments, it could be necessary to change the global paths managing the files. In this case, it should be sufficient to replace the following:

# global path of the raw traces

# global path of the data folder

for the other parameters see the file.

Data Description

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All raw and intermediate data resulting from preprocessing steps can be found in the DATA folder, pointed by the configuration file.

corpus Folder

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It contains all the corpora generated for the experiments. Except for the IP2VEC case, a corpus is a set of .txt files reporting a sequence of IPs wrt. different languages (classes of service).

The corpora we provide are:

  • dante5. Last 5 days of collected traffic used as in the DANTE paper;
  • darkvec30auto. Last 30 days of collected traffic used in the DarkVec experiments. Auto-defined languages;
  • darkvec30single. Last 30 days of collected traffic used in the DarkVec experiments. Single language;
  • darkvec30xserv. Last 30 days of collected traffic used in the DarkVec experiments. Per-service languages;
  • darkvec5xserv. Last 5 days of collected traffic used in the DarkVec experiments. Per-service languages;
  • ip2vec5. Last 5 days of collected traffic used in the IP2VEC paper.

datasets Folder

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It contains all the intermediate preprocessing. Namely:

  • darknet.csv.gz: full 30 days of unfiltered darknet traffic;
  • darknet_d5.csv.gz: last 5 days of unfiltered darknet traffic;
  • embeddings_ip2vec.csv.gz: embeddings generated thrugh the IP2VEC methodology after 5 days of training;
  • darknet_d1.csv.gz: last day of darknet traffic unfiltered;
  • detected_clusters.csv.gz: results of the Greedy Modularity Algorithm (aka Louvain) on the knn graph of the paper;
  • darknet_d1_f5.csv.gz: last day of darknet traffic filtered over the last 5 days;
  • embeddings_d1_f30.csv.gz: last day of darknet traffic filtered over the last 30 days;
  • sh_cluster.csv.gz: per-cluster silhuette dataset; *ips.json: it contains all the list of IP addresses referred to a certain day. Each key indicates a day:
    • d30_u: it is referred to the 30 days dataset unfiltered;
    • d30_f: 30 days dataset filtered;
    • d1_u: last day unfiltered;
    • d1_f30: last day filtered over 30 days;

gridsearch Folder

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It collects the output of different experiments. They are used to generate the plots without recomputing the results. By running the notebooks it is possible to re-create what is in this folder:

  • knngraph.json: Number of found clusters and modularity during the testing of k for the knn graph;
  • parameter_tuning.csv: DarkVec hyperparameters grid search results;
  • training_window.csv: results of the grid search about the training window;
  • knn_k.csv: results of the grid search for k f the knn classifier;

groundtruth Folder

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It contains the gorund truth we generated in lsground_truth_full.csv.gz. It is a collection of IP addresses with the respective label. The label may be like sonar if the IP belongs to the Project Sonar, shodan if it belongs to the Shodan pool.

models Folder

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Model trained during the experiments of the paper. The model names are related to the parameters C, or context window size, and V or embeddings size. Namely, they are:

  • single_cC_vV_iter20: DarkVec model trained on 30 days. Single language;
  • auto_cC_vV_iter20: DarkVec model trained on 30 days. Auto-defined languages;
  • service_cC_vV_iter20: DarkVec model trained on 30 days. Per-service languages;
  • fivedays_c25_v50_iter20: DarkVec model trained on 5 days. Per-service languages;
  • ip2vec5embedder: keras embedder generated through our implementation following the IP2VEC paper.

services Folder

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It reports the services.json file. It is a dictionary for the conversion of the port/protocol pairs of a received packets to a class of services, or language.


This repo contains the codes and the notebooks used for the paper "DarkVec: Automatic Analysis of Darknet Traffic with Word Embeddings".


Language:Jupyter Notebook 93.3%Language:Python 6.7%