Chaezyy's repositories


ChainX is an alternative protocol for building decentralized applications enabled with privacy-centric cryptographic technology. Decentralized applications built upon ChainX platform have the ability to very efficiently interact with user technology ChainX does this by building what is basically a definitive unique foundational layer: a blockchain with an inherent Turing-finish programming language, enabling anybody to compose smart contracts and decentralized applications where they can make their own self-assertive guidelines for proprietorship, exchange organizations and decentralized organizations.



CoX is an open protocol that facilitates trustless, low friction exchange of ChainX-based assets. A full description of the protocol may be found in our whitepaper. This repository contains the system of Ethereum smart contracts comprising CoX protocol's shared on-chain settlement layer, native token (CHX) and decentralized governance structure.



The ChainX Protocol enables issue, exchange, and controll of blockchain network on as ChainX Sidechain . It permits a solitary substance or a gathering of associations to work a system, underpins the concurrence of various sorts of advantages, and is interoperable with other free systems.



SMX. Browse and use Ðapps on the ChainX network.
