Smalls141414 / CS151-MacroTracker

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CS 151 - Macro Tracker

Team 8 - Ari Grady, Dev Ghai, Joshua Tanaka, Nikharv Domadiya


The Macro Tracker application allows for the user to set goals for their macros and for the user to add to their progress towards the goal. The application features a database that will keep track of the user's progress, a graph that takes from the database while displaying the progress and goals of the user and the ability to add, alter, or change their data which includes macro goals, macro progress, username or password.


Monitoring a balanced diet can be difficult and convoluted to keep track of. For newcomers who are new to keeping track of their diet, this can make it almost impossible to start properly tracking macronutrients. Without a macro tracker, tracking macronutrients can be cumbersome and take a lot of mental energy, but with many newer apps, the amount of added features can go over the peak and make it even more cumbersome than originally. For these newcomers, a simple macro tracker can be crucial to creating a balanced diet.

How Our Project Solves Our Problem

Our Macro Tracker Project is perfect for allowing newcomers to start keeping track of their diet. The simple design allows people new to creating balanced diets to track carbs, proteins, fats and calories through a clearly visible format.


This application helps users keep add and track all of their macronutrient intake, which includes carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. This ensures they are consuming a balanced diet, which is important for overall health and fitness and allows users to set calorie goals. Different user profiles may be created for multiple users to track their separate diets. There will also be a graph that will span months from when the user first started to the present which will showcase whether or not they are on schedule for their diet. The app will aim for a simple but efficient user interface and functionality.

Survey of Previous Works

Many apps have been developed for macro tracking but many tend to get bogged down by unnecessary bloat. Our app will be focused on delivering a simple, efficient and accurate macro tracking system. Difficulties with quick data entry, accurate database, offline functionality.

Technical Description

For this project, we will be using the Java programming language, and will be hosting all files locally via an SQLite database.

Screenshots and UML Class Diagram

image image image image image Screenshot 2024-04-01 at 7 46 59 AM

[UML:] ( Screen Shot 2023-12-08 at 10 55 59 PM

Intended Usage

This application can be opened after every meal to add and store previous macronutrient information based on the time that it’s added. All data will be stored so that the software can analyze and display the information to the user in a clear and concise format.

Steps to Run Code

Download the zip and extract the file. Open eclipse and import --> general --> Projects from File System or Archive then pick the extract file and finish. Go to inside CS151-MacroTracker --> src --> Main --> main and click on the green button on the top left and Run Main.



Language:Java 100.0%