Slyke / JWT-Exercise

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JWT Examples

Making and Reading a JWT

Run and read these to understand how JWTs are generated.

Backyard JWT

This code is not meant for production. Run it to generate something like a JWT

node backyard-jwts/example-self-encode.js

Run this to decodet a JWT with no validation on signature or expirey

node backyard-jwts/jwt-parts.js

Encoding a JWT

Using the jsonwebtoken npm module.

This will encode and correctly sign a JWT with a psk.

node encode-psk.js {PSK=password}

This will encode and sign a JWT with an asymmetric key pair (aka "ssl certs", "private public keypair"). Ensure you've generated your keypairs before running.

node encode-asym.js

Decoding a JWT

Using the jsonwebtoken npm module.

This will decode a signed a JWT with a psk.

node decode-psk.js {PSK=password}

This will decode a signed JWT with an asymmetric key pair (aka "ssl certs", "private public keypair").

node decode-asym.js {TOKEN}

Generate Keypair

Run the following commands while inside the certs directory

ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -m PEM -f jwtRS256.key
openssl rsa -in jwtRS256.key -pubout -outform PEM -out



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