SleepyWerewolf / ember-closure-actions-shim

Ember HTMLBars Helpers for Currying and Closure Action support in Ember versions <= 1.12

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Ember Curry Helpers

HTMLBars template helpers for action currying. This is a fork of ember-truth-helpers, because they nailed backwards compatability with previous Ember versions 1.12 and below.

Currying Usage

Ember style closure actions do not curry values from one function to the next. However, we sometimes want to express actions explicitly in our handlebars template. This is why we built ember-curry-helpers.

The main helper for currying values to actions is the pipe helper. It curries the return value from one function to input value of the next function in the action-pipe.

Example usage with TODO MVC

Helper HTMLBars Example
pipe {{some-todo-component on-save=(pipe (format-todo) (action (mut todo))}}
append {{some-todo-component on-save=(pipe (format-todo) (append todos) (action (mut todos))}}


Currently, you have to point your package.json at our branch:

  • "ember-curry-helpers": "git+"

Plan to use ember install when our API is further cemented.

  • ember install ember-curry-helpers

Ember versions 1.12 and below

If you want the power of the pipe helper and currying actions but are on an older versions of Ember, we have a closure-action helper. This is NOT A POLYFILL for Ember Improved Actions! Instead the closure-action helper provides a simple and naiive way to bring the pipe helper into your older Ember applications.

Closure Actions Usage (Ember 1.12 and below)

You can use the closure action helper as you would the action helper in 1.13 and above.

{{!-- app/templates/some-component.js --}}
{{some-pikaday-component on-select=(closure-action 'pick-date')}}

And combine it with the pipe helper.

{{!-- app/templates/some-component.js --}}
{{some-pikaday-component on-select=(pipe (format-pikaday-date) (closure-action 'pick-date')}}

Note: format-pikaday-date is a custom helper. That's the beauty of pipe! Custom helpers AND ember-core helpers can be strung together!

We then need to extend this ember-curry-actions mixin from the component in which you call sendAction

// app/component/some-component.js
import Ember from 'ember';
import ClosureActionDispatchShim from 'ember-curry-helpers/mixins/closure-action-dispatch-shim';

var SomePikaDayComponent = Ember.Component.extend(ClosureActionDispatchShim, {
  actions: {
    onSelect: function(value){
      this.sendAction('on-select', value);

Other Helpers

Running Tests

  • npm test (Runs ember try:testall to test your addon against multiple Ember versions)
  • ember test
  • ember test --server


  • ember build

For more information on using ember-cli, visit


Ember HTMLBars Helpers for Currying and Closure Action support in Ember versions <= 1.12

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 76.1%Language:HTML 14.4%Language:CSS 9.5%