Sleeplessy / glfwxx

An GLFW C++ wrapper

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glfwxx: A GLFW C++ wrapper


The purpose for creating this lib is for my personal usage. I need to create a cross-platform game, and want a simple, safety C++ window manager.This lib is on the very first stage. If you would like to contribute, do a pull request.



Simplest example sources contains in the unit_test directory. You can check it and it will build with the library(currently it will).


We all know if you are using GLFW, you need to call some initialization and destroy contents created by GLFW’s API. This is because GLFW is a C-style library. It uses malloc, not new. So of course you can’t use delete or RAII or whatever. So your code would be like this:

void invoke_close_callback(GLFWwindow* window)
    // Well, I have to define my callback here.
// Our lovely main function
int main()
//....blah blah blah
    // Oops, we can't init GLFW so we need to do error handling here, usually exit this program with an error code.
    return -1;

// blah blah blah....

  GLFWwindow* window = glfwCreateWindow(width,height,title); // Simplest window creation
    // maybe I want to set the callback of this window's destroyment
    glfwSetWindowCloseCallback(window, invoke_close_callback);

    glfwShowWindow(window); // Bring the window on to user's monitor

// blah blah blah, maybe I am dealing up with Vulkan or OpenGL or DirectX or etc.

// Now let's enter the main-loop
    // we update windows here
    // we create our rendered frames here
    // .... blah blah blah
    // and now we show polling events
    glfwPollEvents();  // Or maybe you like glfwWaitEvents()? Whatever
  // Okay we exit the loop if we received a close signal of this window
  // Now let's destroy all the contents we've allocated


  // blah blah blah...

  // After all, do not forget to terminate 

But with glfwxx, you can do things like:

#include <glfwxx/glfwxx.hpp>  // Including our library header, good.
#include <GLFW/glfw3.h>      // And don't forget to include GLFW's header, kids!

int main()
    using namespace glfw; // Oh let me just using this for increasing my keyboard's life
    instance_manager manager; // First we create an instance manager, which could handle all things.
    auto window = manager.get_window_manager().create_window(400, 800, "test1");  // Yes...? Just a creation of an window.
    // Notice that the return type of create_window is window_id_t;
    manager.get_window_manager().add_window_callback(window,[&](glfw::window_ptr_t ptr) {
        std::cout << ptr->get_title() << " destroyed" << std::endl; // We could use get_title() for getting it's title
    }); // Yes...? We could simply add callbacks using add_window_callback
    auto window2 = manager.get_window_manager().create_window(400, 800, "test2", [&](glfw::window_ptr_t ptr) {
        std::cout << ptr->get_title() << " destroyed" << std::endl;
    }); // We could also wrap a callback using lambda while are we creating window
    manager.get_window_manager().add_window_close_callback(window2,[](glfw::window_ptr_t ptr){
        std::cout << "test!!!" << std::endl;
    }); // If one window already has callbacks, it would append to the calling list's end. And yes, this is appending.
    for (auto &x : manager.get_window_manager().get_pool()) {  // We iterates the windows pool.
        x.second->show();  // Show all windows we've created. In fact this is equivalent to window_manager::show_all()

    window_id_t id(0);  // Windows' ID started with "0", so we generate an ID in order to get the first window.
    id.set_manager(manager.get_window_manager());  // we neet to set the manager manually if you gen the ID manually
    std::cout << id.get_window()->get_title() << std::endl;
    id.get_window()->get_focus();  // focus on the first window!

    // Okay, we've done the initialization, now let's start.

    // ... Yes, that's all. If you have nothing much to deal with after all windows destroyed(closed by user),
    // you can now return. No need to free other memories, the manager itself will handle it.
    return 0;

This simple 17 lines program will create two dark windows, and if you close them all, the program shall exit. Log is like this(I close window “test 2” firstly):


test2 destroyed


test1 destroyed


Copyright [2018] [Sleeplessy]

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Or “LICENSE” located on the root of this repo. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


An GLFW C++ wrapper

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:C++ 97.4%Language:CMake 2.6%