SkylineCommunications / DataMinerGoogleMapsAppPackage

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This Application Package installs the DataMiner Google Maps on your DataMiner system.

It will show normal alarms for Germany. The Country France is in Major alarm state.(the filter 'Major' in the Google Maps top-left pane is enabled by default to see the alarm for France).

It will also show the Regions for France and Belgium. The region Vlaanderen is in Major alarm state.

Provinces for Belgium are in a normal alarm state.

You can also drill down to the cities of Belgium, these are not configured to be monitored in the alarm template.

You can select the following in the top-right corner:

  1. Layers: Country, Regions, Province, City

  2. SourceInfo: Element Parameters and Element Properties where Element Properties is enabled by default.

  3. Objects: Individual Element Markers and Individual Service Markers

  4. Traffic: Displays the traffic



It will upload the DataMiner Google Maps protocol and Alarm Template called 'Standard' to your DataMiner system. The Generic Dummy protocol is also uploaded.

A Visio file(DataMiner Google Maps.vsdx) will also be uploaded that links to your Maps config file.

Data needed for the element will also be uploaded(CSV files).

Icons needed for the Visio, and Serverconfig.xml, RT_QA_Maps.xml files will also be uploaded.


  1. It will create a view 'DataMiner Google Maps' below the root view.
  2. Next up is the creation of an element 'DataMiner Google Maps' in above mentioned view and assigns the alarm template 'Standard' to this element.
  3. The element reads in the necessary data from it's CSV files.
  4. The table parameter 'Country alarm' at index '2'(so France) of the Country table will be set to an Major alarm.
  5. The table parameter 'Region alarm' at index '1'(Vlaanderen) of the Regions table will be set to an Major alarm.
  6. For the 'DataMiner Google Maps' element, element properties('Latitude' and 'Longitude') are created and assigned with a value. If these element properties would exist on your system, then the property values are set for the 'DataMiner Google Maps' element.
  7. Another element, 'Generic Dummy_ParameterCoordinates' is created from protocol 'Generic Dummy', version available on and Dummy Parameter 01 & Dummy Parameter 02 are set to Latitude and Longitude values. This element is added below the 'DataMiner Google Maps' view.
  8. The 'DataMiner Google Maps' element is added to a service 'DataMiner Google Maps Service' in the 'DataMiner Google Maps' view.
  9. The RT_QA_Maps file is updated with the dma-id and element-id of the element(created in step 2) of your DataMiner system. For the 'Individual Element Markers' layer, the id attribute of the element tag is set to the correct dmaid/elementid of the 'DataMiner Google Maps' element. For SourceInfo --> 'Element Parameters', the id attribute of the 'ViewFilter' tag is updated.
  10. The Visio file is assigned to the DataMiner Google Maps view.


  • Depending on the zoom-level, you will see various icons/markers in the Google Maps. These can be grouped or individual.
  • On the Skyline Park location there should be a flag marker when major alarm filter and Objects --> 'Individual Element Markers' is enabled.
  • In the Zandstraat(old Skyline building) there should be a star marker when major alarm filter and Objects --> 'Individual Service Markers' is enabled.
  • Not far from Skyline on the pitch of KFC Mandel United, there should be a flag icon when major alarm filter and SourceInfo --> 'Element Properties' is enabled.
  • When SourceInfo --> 'Element Parameters' is enabled, a flag should also be shown, not far from 'Centrum West'.


License:MIT License