SkyfallWasTaken / high-seas

🏴‍☠️ It's better to be a pirate than join the navy!

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comSkyfallWasTaken/high-seasRepository from Github https://github.comSkyfallWasTaken/high-seas

stats display

Build personal projects. Get free stuff.

Welcome to the Hack Club High Seas. Built by a team of 20 teenagers from around the world, High Seas is a global challenge to every teenager to build awesome projects and get rewarded.

Prizes range from iPads, Framework Laptops, Flipper Zeroes, and more.

High Seas is the successor to Arcade, Hack Club’s summer 2024 celebration of making. 5,000 high schoolers from 119 countries built over 2,000 projects and were shipped over 11,000 packages of prizes.

Local development

Set sail with a simple bun i; bun run dev

You should configure your tokens/env based on the example.env (cp example.env .env), or if you're on the vercel team you can bunx vercel env pull to automatically load them up.


🏴‍☠️ It's better to be a pirate than join the navy!


Language:TypeScript 78.2%Language:JavaScript 18.6%Language:CSS 1.8%Language:Shell 0.9%Language:PowerShell 0.5%