Skkay / 5MLDE

Projet de 5e année à SUPINFO (5MLDE)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


School MLOps project for SUPINFO.


In this MLOps project, you are requested to develop a complete orchestrated pipeline that can:

  • Perform data ingestion and quality checks
  • Train a model, log the model's performances and save it to the MLflow registry
  • Deploy your model

You will leverage mlops tools and techniques seen in the course you received.


Our subject is related to a previous personal project. It is about predicting the price over the time of the Ogrine, a virtual currency from the game DOFUS. This project is a proof of concept; we will simply use a linear regression for the prediction.


The main flow is defined in ./flows/ It takes care of downloading and preprocessing the data, separating the data into a test set and a training set, and training/evaluating a Linear Regression model. This model will be logged and saved on an MLFlow instance every week automatically thanks to Prefect. A REST API made with FastAPI is available with a route to get the predictions of the next 7 days, and a ReactJS application to visualize the result.

The infrastructure is deployed with Docker as follows:

  • prefect-server: The main Prefect server, the one with which we will interact with its API and UI.
  • prefect-agent: Allows to execute the different tasks of a workflow.
  • prefect-cli: Container that is only used to interact with the Prefect CLI, especially for building and deploying a workflow.
  • prefect-database: Database used by prefect-server.
  • mlflow: The MLFlow instance on which to track model logs, and exploit the models via its API.
  • api: REST API that will retrieve the model in production from MLFlow and can return predictions.
  • app: Frontend application that will display the predictions provided by api.

Docker infrastructure schema


The deployment will be done using Docker, so you obviously need to install Docker first.

  1. Clone or download the project repository
git clone
cd ./5MLDE
  1. Pull and build the custom Docker images
docker compose build --pull --no-cache
  1. Deploy and run the stack
docker compose up

With the docker-compose.yml unchanged:

  • Prefect UI is on port 4200
  • MLFlow is on port 5000
  • The API is on port 8080
  • The web app is on port 3000

Note: The api container may not start the first time, until a first workflow has been run.



  1. When prefect-cli is ready, build the workflow


  • prefect-cli is the container name defined in the docker-compose.yml at services.prefect-cli.container_name.
  • The values of options pool and work-queue refer to the prefect-agent command in the docker-compose.yml at services.prefect-agent.command.
  • The value of option params refer to the complete_ml flow function parameters (source), and the value of url is the external Ogrine API.
docker exec prefect-cli \
	prefect deployment build \
	--name my_flow \
	--pool default-agent-pool \
	--work-queue default \
	--skip-upload \
	--params='{"url":""}' \
	--cron "0 1 * * 1" \
Windows CMD
docker exec prefect-cli prefect deployment build --name my_flow --pool default-agent-pool --work-queue default --skip-upload --params="{\"url\":\"\"}" --cron "0 1 * * 1"

The file ./flows/complete_ml-deployment.yaml should be created.

More info at

  1. Create the workflow deployment


  • prefect-cli is the container name defined in the docker-compose.yml at services.prefect-cli.container_name.
docker exec prefect-cli \
	prefect deployment apply complete_ml-deployment.yaml
Windows CMD
docker exec prefect-cli prefect deployment apply complete_ml-deployment.yaml

More info at

  1. Check the workflow is visible from the Prefect UI (http://localhost:4200), under Deployments:

Prefect UI Deployments

  1. You can now wait the schedule to be trigger or perform a Quick run for testing.


After a Prefect flow run (automatically or via Quick run), you should be able to see it from MLFlow (http://localhost:5000), under Models:

MLFLow models

  1. Set the most recent version as Production
  • From the MLFlow models page, click the latest version name "Version x"
  • Click Stage: None and select Transition to -> Production:

Set a MLFlow models as Production

The production version is used by the API, determined in the docker-compose.yml at servicies.api.environment.MODEL_URI.


Nothing to do. You can get the predictions for the next 7 days in a JSON format on the endpoint GET /seven-days-forecast (http://localhost:8080/seven-days-forecast).

Web app

Nothing to do. The straight line is the price over the time and the dot line is the 7-days predictions.

Possible improvements

  • Use Great Expectations to validate incoming data and ensure that they are conform during the train/test phase.
  • Use a custom Prefect Docker image (for prefect-agent and prefect-cli) and install Python requirements to it, instead of runing pip install at every docker compose up.
  • Automatically define latest models as Production.
  • Use environment variables instead of a config file to run ./flows/



Projet de 5e année à SUPINFO (5MLDE)


Language:Python 87.9%Language:HTML 8.3%Language:Dockerfile 3.9%