SirZeck / simple-go-server

Simple Go REST API with In-Memory User Cache

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Simple Go REST API with In-Memory User Cache

This project is a basic RESTful API built in Go (Golang) for managing user data. It leverages an in-memory cache to efficiently store and retrieve user information.


  • CRUD Operations:
    • Create users (POST /user)
    • Read users (GET /user/{id})
    • Delete users (DELETE /user/{id})
    • (Note: Update is not implemented in this example)
  • In-Memory Cache: Utilizes a map to store user data for fast access.
  • Concurrency Safe: Employs a read-write mutex (sync.RWMutex) to handle concurrent access and prevent race conditions.
  • JSON Responses: Communicates with clients using JSON formatted data.
  • Basic Error Handling: Includes preliminary checks for invalid requests (e.g., missing ID, malformed JSON).

API Endpoints

Method Endpoint Description Request Body (JSON) Response (JSON)
POST /user Create a new user { "name": "John Doe" } 204 No Content
GET /user/{id} Retrieve a user by ID { "name": "John Doe" }
DELETE /user/{id} Delete a user by ID 204 No Content

Getting Started


  • Go (Golang) must be installed on your system.

Installation & Usage

  1. Clone: Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Build: Navigate to the project directory and run go build. This will compile the Go code into an executable.
  3. Run: Execute the compiled binary (e.g., ./your-executable-name). The server will start listening on http://localhost:8080.
  4. Interact: Use tools like curl, httpie, or Postman to send requests to the API endpoints.

Examples (using curl)

# Create a user
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name": "Alice Johnson"}' http://localhost:8080/user

# Get a user (replace {id} with the actual user ID)
curl http://localhost:8080/user/{id} 

# Delete a user
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/user/{id}


  • Data Volatility: User data is stored only in memory. When the server shuts down, all data is lost.
  • Simplified Error Handling: Error responses could be more informative and granular.
  • Missing Update: There's no functionality to modify existing user data.

Potential Enhancements

  • Persistent Storage: Integrate a database (e.g., SQLite, PostgreSQL) to save user data permanently.
  • Update Endpoint: Implement a PUT or PATCH endpoint to allow modifying user details.
  • Authentication/Authorization: Add security mechanisms to protect user data.
  • Advanced Error Handling: Provide clearer error messages and consider using standard HTTP status codes more comprehensively.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to fork this repository, suggest improvements, and submit pull requests.


Simple Go REST API with In-Memory User Cache


Language:Go 100.0%