SirEmyDragan / intro-to-git

Introduction to git

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



  • What is Git?
  • What is Github?
  • Why should you care?
  • Novel Writing Analogy
  • Installing Git(not really)

#Git Basics

  • Git init
  • Git status
  • Git add (git add, git add *.html //adds all files of that type, git add -A //adds all files and folders from the directory you are in)
  • Git reset HEAD //unstage
  • Git commit (git commit, git commit -m "message here", git commit -m 'message here')

#Git Checkout

  • Git Log
  • Git Checkout
  • GIt revert --no-commit 0766c053..HEAD

#Cloning and Github Intro

  • What is Github?
  • Cloning an existing repo

#Pushing to Github

  • Creating a repo on Github
  • Adding a remote
  • Pushing to Github

Ian - Youtube

Working Directory

  • Area where all of our files and directories and changes are living all the time

Staging Area

  • Files and directories that we explicitly add to the staging area

Git Repository (or git repo)

  • Where all our code snapshots are stored

Git Branches

  • Listing all branches (git branch)

  • Adding a branch (git checkout -b <branch_name>)

  • Changing branches (git checkout <branch_name>)

  • Merging a branch (from feature branch: git checkout master, then git merge feature, to merge feature branch in master)

  • Removing a branch (git branch -d <branch_name>)

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Introduction to git


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