Harshita Singh's starred repositories
KMeans, Cure and Canpoy algorithms are demonstrated using Pyspark.
PCY Algorithm for Frequent Pattern Mining using Pyspark
A web-based recruitment system, chief highlight being system generated applicant ranking based on their CV.
Land Use and Land Cover Classification by applying machine learning on RGB images
Word co-occurrence and Matrix Multiplication using MapReduce
A miniature AI - based self - driving car model is developed through this project.
Learn R from scratch
Treesponse is a smart greenhouse monitoring system. Smart greenhouse is a concept of greenhouse that cultivates crops without human intervention. Crops in a smart greenhouse grow without adjustment of climate or any human interference by any means for a particular period. The smart greenhouse uses various microprocessors and sensors to perform functions such as controlling temperature and irrigation system. Any type of plant, fruit, and vegetables can be grown at any time of year in a smart greenhouse. This system is cost effective and improves efficiency & versatility of greenhouses.