SinaKhalili / ssssg

my super simple static site generator with zero dependencies

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Here is the simple static site generator, ecrit en procrastination.

Note that this README isn't a traditional readme. This is the 👉ENTIRE SOURCE CODE👈, exported from a jupyter notebook.


  1. Have a posts directory with some text files, in a custom format
  2. Parse the custom format (called SparkDown)
  3. Have invariants directory with some constant boilerplate
  4. Link to the correct invariant templates based on metadata in the SparkDown
  5. Render and put the output into a build folder

The SparkDown format

This will be a markdown-inspired format, written from scratch primarily for pedagogy, simplicity, and escape from heteronomy.

There are two types of parsing:

  • Line based: Choses the mode
  • Inner line based: Modifies the line, according to the mode

Modes are chosed with a sigil at the beginning of a line.

For instance, # Hello world sets the mode to header with the # sigil.

For obsidian support, we will also read .md files

some_text = """
$ template: index

# Hello welcome to [my blog](

Welcome to my cool blog! It can even link. It can do [[internal links]].
It can even do images like {this.jpg}

I wrote it in my own [markup format]( it's not [very good](! but it's a start!


def eat(text):
    Eats the first element of the array.
    Returns empty if nothing left
    except IndexError:
    return text

def linkify(text):
    Turn a title into a link slug
    ex. "whats going on?" -> "whats_going_on"
    return text.replace(" ", "_").replace("?","")

Mode parsers:

Mode parsers work like the following:

We take two parameters rest and post_so_far and are expected to return them, modified, at the end of the function.

rest and the array of lines in the original text

post_so_far is a string of the current output

Currently we have two modes:

  • sigil #:header mode wraps the line in a header
  • sigil $:meta a key:value pair for metadata in the following format:
def parse_header(rest, post_so_far, level=1):
    Parse a header at the beginning of the line
    # Like this
    curr_line_without_hash = rest[0][level:]
    header = f"<h{level}>{parse_line(curr_line_without_hash)}</h{level}> \n"
    post_so_far += header
    return (eat(rest), post_so_far)

def parse_meta(rest, metadata):
    Parse a metadata line
    Like this: 
    $ key: value
    The spaces are not optional.
    curr_line = rest.pop(0)
    curr_line = curr_line.split(" ")

    key, value = curr_line[1], curr_line[2]
    key = key[:key.find(":")]
    metadata[key] = value
    return (rest, metadata)

def parse_nothing(rest, post_so_far):
    Parse a simple 'nothing' block. These should be squeezed together.
    To do this, we look ahead.
    if (len(rest) == 1):
        return (eat(rest), post_so_far)
    lookeahead = rest[1]
    if rest == "":
        return (eat(rest), post_so_far)
        post_so_far += "<p></p>\n"
        return (eat(rest), post_so_far)

def parse_generic(rest, post_so_far):
    Parse a generic text block
    post_so_far += "<p>\n  "
        curr_line = rest[0]
        if curr_line == "":
        post_so_far += f"{parse_line(curr_line)}\n"
    post_so_far += "</p>\n"
    return (eat(rest), post_so_far)

Line Parsers:

Much in the same way the main parser parses text into lines, the line parser splits the line into words, and calls the necessary parse function.

class BacklinkSingleton():
    Generic buffer to push backlinks onto.
    Singletons are dangerous in notebooks! Remember to clear
    _title = ""
    backlinks = {}
    def __init__(self):
    def push(cls, data):
        if (data in cls.backlinks):
            cls.backlinks[data] = set([cls._title])
    def set_title(cls, data):
        cls._title = data
    def clear(cls):
        cls._title = ""
        cls.backlinks = {}

def parse_line(line):
    Parses a markup format
    line_so_far = ""
    words = line.split(" ")
    rest = words
        curr_word = rest[0]
        mode = curr_word[0] if len(curr_word) else ""
        mode_peek = curr_word[1] if len(curr_word) > 1 else ""
        if (mode + mode_peek == "[["):
            rest, line_so_far = parse_wikilink(rest, line_so_far)
        elif (mode == "["):
            rest, line_so_far = parse_link(rest, line_so_far)
        elif (mode == "{"):
            rest, line_so_far = parse_image(rest, line_so_far)
            rest, line_so_far = parse_generic_word(rest, line_so_far)

    return line_so_far  

def parse_link(rest, line_so_far):
    Parses a link, starts with a `[` character
    word = rest.pop(0)
    while(word.find("]") == -1):
        word += " "
        word += rest.pop(0)
    inner_text, link = word.split("]")
    inner_text = inner_text[1:]
    last_right_paren = link.rfind(")")
    link, after_link = link[1:last_right_paren], link[last_right_paren+1:]
    line_so_far += f"<a class='outbound' href='{link}'>{inner_text}</a>{after_link} "
    return (rest, line_so_far) # Here we don't eat the rest, since we ate before

def parse_wikilink(rest, line_so_far):
    Parses a wikilink style link (the kind like [[this]] format)
    word = ""
    while(word.find("]") == -1):
        word += rest.pop(0)
        word += " "
    word = word[2:-3]
    quote = '"'
    line_so_far += f"<a onclick='getPage({quote}{linkify(word)}.html{quote})' class='internal'>{word}</a>"
    return (rest, line_so_far)

def parse_image(rest, line_so_far):
    Parses an image link in the form {image.jpg} 
    I think this is a way nicer way than the markdown format
    word = rest.pop(0)
    word = word[1:-1]
    line_so_far += f"<img class='imagelink' src='/{word}' />"
    return (rest, line_so_far)

def parse_generic_word(rest, line_so_far):
    Just appends the word
    word = rest[0]
    line_so_far += f"{word} "
    return (eat(rest), line_so_far)

Complete parser:

def parse_markup(text):
    Parses a markup format.
    Markup is text and metadata, so this will return both.
    Also even though python passes dicts and list by reference, we
    make the re-assignment explicit to communicate what's happening.
    post_so_far = ""
    metadata = {}
    lines = text.split("\n")
    rest = lines
        curr_line = rest[0]
        mode = curr_line[0] if len(curr_line) else ""
        mode_peek = curr_line[1] if len(curr_line) > 1 else ""

        if   (mode + mode_peek == "##"):
            rest, post_so_far = parse_header(rest, post_so_far, level=2)
        elif (mode == "#"):
            rest, post_so_far = parse_header(rest, post_so_far)
        elif (mode == "$"):  # This function is different as we don't change post_so_far
            rest, metadata = parse_meta(rest, metadata)
        elif (mode == ""):
            rest, post_so_far = parse_nothing(rest, post_so_far)
            rest, post_so_far = parse_generic(rest, post_so_far)

    return post_so_far, metadata
# test parser

# parse_markup(some_text)

The post object

The posts will parsed into a post object, which the template evaluator will have available in it's context.

This object will have attributes such as:

  • title: The title of the post. The file name.
  • content: The content of the post
  • buffer: An all-purpose buffer, so that the exec contexts can put output in
class Post():
    This class represents a single post, and will be given to the template object
    def __init__(self, title, content, metadata):
        Sets the title and content.
        self.title = title
        self.content = content
        self.metadata = metadata
        self.backlinks = []
        self.buffer = ""
    def get_formatted_title(self):
        Get the formatted title for the link
        return linkify(self.title)
    def print(self, text, end="\n"):
        Puts text content into the buffer
        self.buffer += f"{text}{end}"
    def clear_buffer(self):
        Clears the post object's buffer
        self.buffer = ''

Our very own template syntax

It will work like the following

It is parsed as regular html until two colons are encountered ::, at which point control is given to python.

To communicate input and output between the template python and the main python ssg, we will use the buffer in the Post object. To print to this buffer, we use post.print.


If the directive "keep" is given, then both the code and it's output will be given, like a jupyternotebook cell.


will give

<div class="inputcode">
def render_page(post, posts, template_name="blog", backlinks=None):
    `post`: is the current post
    `posts`: is all the posts
    Renders a page according the template `template`,
    which needs to be in the `invariants` folder, and have the `.sdml` extension
    with open(f"./invaraints/{template_name}.sdml") as file:
        template =
        post_so_far = ""
        lines = template.split("\n") # We don't want to keep the newline
        rest = lines
            curr_line = rest[0]
            if (curr_line == "::"):
                rest, post_so_far = parse_sdml_block(rest, post_so_far, post)
            elif (curr_line == "::keep"):
                rest, post_so_far = parse_sdml_block(rest, post_so_far, post, keep_code=True)
                rest, post_so_far = parse_sdml_generic(rest, post_so_far)
        return post_so_far
def parse_sdml_block(rest, post_so_far, post, keep_code=False):
    Parses the sdml block with the current `post` context 
    code = ""
    lookahead = rest.pop(0)
    while(lookahead != "::"):
        code += f"{lookahead}\n"
        lookahead = rest.pop(0)
    local_vars = {
        "post": post,
        "posts": posts,
        "linkify": linkify,
    exec(code, None, local_vars)
    if keep_code:
        CODE_HEADER = '<div class="inputcode">\n'
        CODE_FOOTER = '</div>\n'
        post_so_far += f"{CODE_HEADER}{code}{CODE_FOOTER}"
    post_so_far += post.buffer
    return (rest, post_so_far)

def parse_sdml_generic(rest, post_so_far):
    Just returns the text, moving the pointer forward
    post_so_far += f"{rest[0]}\n"
    return (eat(rest), post_so_far)

Find the files in the posts folder

Now we go one-by-one to every post in posts folder and convert them to html pages.

It needs to by of type sd

import glob
from pathlib import Path
def getbasename(path):
    return path.split("/")[-1][:-3]

def format_path_title(title):
    return replace_spaces_with_underscore(title.replace("?",""))
if __name__ == "__main__":
    header = ""
    footer = ""

    with open("./invaraints/head.html") as headerfile:
        header =

    with open("./invaraints/footer.html") as footerfile:
        footer =

    Path("./build").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    print("Adding assets")
    for path in glob.iglob("./assets/*"):
        with open(path, "rb") as file:
            content =
            path_end = path.split("/")[-1]
            with open(f"./build/{path_end}", "wb") as new_file:
        print(f"{path} added")

    posts = []
    link_graph = {}
    for path in glob.iglob("./posts/*.*d"):
        with open(path) as file:
            post_text =
            title = getbasename(path)
            content, metadata = parse_markup(post_text)
            post = Post(title, content, metadata)
    for post in posts:
        template = "blog" 
        if "template" in post.metadata:
            template = post.metadata['template']
        if post.title in BacklinkSingleton.backlinks:
            post.backlinks = BacklinkSingleton.backlinks[post.title]

        page_content = render_page(post, posts, template_name=template)
        post_html = f"{header}{page_content}{footer}"

        build_path = f"./build/{linkify(post.title)}.html"
        with open(build_path, "w") as outfile:
            print(f"Built {post.title} \033[94m => \033[0m {build_path}")
Adding assets
./assets/skull.jpg added
./assets/vitelloni.jpg added
./assets/masculin_feminin.jpg added
./assets/main.js added
./assets/style.css added
./assets/wheels.jpg added
Built another strange one �[94m => �[0m ./build/another_strange_one.html
Built pretty cool �[94m => �[0m ./build/pretty_cool.html
Built first post �[94m => �[0m ./build/first_post.html
Built on entrepreneurship �[94m => �[0m ./build/on_entrepreneurship.html
Built index �[94m => �[0m ./build/index.html
Built what is going on? �[94m => �[0m ./build/what_is_going_on.html
Built some random post �[94m => �[0m ./build/some_random_post.html
Built pointless abstraction �[94m => �[0m ./build/pointless_abstraction.html


my super simple static site generator with zero dependencies


Language:Jupyter Notebook 51.7%Language:Python 31.4%Language:HTML 7.8%Language:CSS 5.1%Language:JavaScript 3.5%Language:Makefile 0.6%