Simsz / admin-info

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TARIKGG | Admin Info


  • Important! - Claim a player report by reacting with a check mark (✅) on the corresponding player report in discord. Reports are logged to the #game-reports channel. This lets the other admins know you are actively monitoring a reported player.


Primary Method: Use /ban or !ban in game, must choose ban length and reason

  • !ban <#userid|name> <minutes|0> [reason] - Bans a client for a specified amount of time with an optional reason. (time in minutes, 0 is a permanent ban)

Alternate Method: Use the website to ban a client using their SteamID or SteamID64

Example of SteamID's

You can find both the SteamID and the SteamID64 on either will work if you are banning a player from the website.


Cheating/Scripting Instant and permanent ban
Racism, Harassment, Racial Slurs 1-7 days (permanent ban if multiple offenses)
Trolling/Griefing/Mic or Chat Spam Not to exceed a week ban
Throwing/Intentionally Losing 2hr - 1 day ban (admin discretion)
Ignoring Objective 2hr - 1 day ban (admin discretion)
Admin Disrespect/Harassment Not to exceed a week ban
Advertisement Kick/Warning - 1 day ban
Disruptively High Ping (>210) Move to spectators & inform player

Useful Chat Commands

  • !ban <#userid|name> <minutes|0=permanent> [reason] - Bans a client for a specified amount of time
  • !kick <#userid|name> [reason] - Kicks a specified client with the option to append a message
  • !admin - Displays the admin menu
  • !silence <target(s)> - Performs both a “gag” and “mute” on the target(s).
  • !unsilence <target(s)> - Performs both an “ungag” and “unmute” on the target(s).
  • (Team Chat) @ before message - Sends message to admins in chat
  • (All Chat) @ before message - Sends message to everyone in chat as admin

Additional Console Commands

Additional note about usage: Commands do not have to be entered through the console; they can be entered via chat triggers. For example, saying !ban bail in chat will execute the same command as sm_ban and forward the output to chat. You can also use / instead of ! to suppress your command from being shown to users.

  • status - Allows you to see the Steam ID of every person in the server, useful for global bans
  • sm_admin - Displays the admin menu
  • sm_ban <#userid|name> <minutes|0=permanent> [reason] - Bans a client for a specified amount of time.
  • sm_unban <#userid> - Unbans the player from the server
  • sm_kick <#userid|name> [reason] - Kicks the player from the server
  • sm_gag <#userid|name> - Removes the player's ability to use text chat
  • sm_ungag <#userid|name> - Restores the player's ability to use text chat
  • sm_mute <#userid|name> - Removes the player's ability to use voice chat
  • sm_unmute <#userid|name> - Restores the player's ability to use voice chat
  • sm_silence <#userid|name> - Removes the player's ability to use voice and text chat
  • sm_unsilence <#userid|name> - Restores the player's ability to use voice and text chat
  • sm_psay <#userid|name> <message> - Sends a private message
  • sm_chat <message> - Sends a message to all staff on the server
  • sm_say <message> - Sends a message to all players in chat
  • sm_tsay [color] <message> - Sends a top-left message to all players. If no color specified then the text is white. Available colors: white, red, green, blue, yellow, purple, cyan, orange, pink, olive, lime, violet, lightblue (not case-sensitive)
  • sm_vote <“question”> <“Answer 1”> <“Answer 2”>…<“Answer 5”> - Calls a vote. Put each in quotes
  • sm_who - Lists all users and their access rights, or a specific user's access rights. Useful for checking a players name or checking if other admins are on.

Shortcuts (in place of <#userid|name> parameter):

  • @spec - targets all spectators
  • @t - targets all terrorists
  • @ct - targets all counter terrorists
  • @me - targets yourself
  • @!me - targets everyone but yourself
