SimoneTinella / Android_OPCUA_Client

An Android OPC UA Client based on official OPC Foundation Java Stack

Repository from Github https://github.comSimoneTinella/Android_OPCUA_ClientRepository from Github https://github.comSimoneTinella/Android_OPCUA_Client

Android OPCUA Client

An Android OPC UA Client based on official OPC Foundation Java Stack.

This project has been developed inside the course of Industrial Informatics at University of Catania (DIEEI) teached by Prof. Salvatore Cavalieri. The aim of the project was the realisation of an Android App making a Client full compliant with OPC UA specifications. The App has been developed by Simone Tinella and Luis Antonio Previti and is available for free at

It is a demo version developed to show the potential of the OPC UA standard. OPC UA has been included in the main reference models of industrial architecture such as RAMI 4.0 and IIoT.

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An Android OPC UA Client based on official OPC Foundation Java Stack

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Java 100.0%