SimonPavlik / keyness-calculator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This module allows you to analyse the keyness of items in a study corpus compared to a reference corpus. The keyness calculator takes 3-tuples consisting of a token, part-of-speech tag and lemma as input, meaning that you need to have your corpora tokenised, part-of-speech tagged an lemmatised beforehand. The tuples can be introduced into the keyness calculator as CSV or TSV files (one line per tuple; one file = one corpus document; one folder of files = one subcorpus; one folder of subcorpora = one corpus), or they can also be organised in a Python dictionary (keys = subcorpora; values = list of lists [one list = one corpus document] of tuples) and directly passed into the calculator. Below you can find a concrete usage example for both input types and an overview of the main steps performed by the underlying script.

NOTE: the example corpus used for the CSV/TSV input type is included in the exampleCorpora folder of this GitHub repository. This dummy corpus was created based on the UD Spanish AnCora treebank. The treebank sentences were randomly divided over six documents, which were, at their turn, equally divided over three subcorpora (one subcorpora for the study corpus, and two for the reference corpus). The corpus adheres to the required folder structure: corpus_folder/subcorpus_folders/document_files.

Usage example


The usage example is presented in the file. It contains a usage example for both input types (CSV/TSV files or Python dictionary). The init_keyness_calculator function used to perform the keyness calculations only requires two arguments, namely the study corpus (passed to the first-position input_sc argument) and the reference corpus (passed to the second-position input_rc argument). For CSV/TSV files as input type, the argument is simply the path to the corpus folder; for the Python dictionary as input, you need to construct a 2-tuple of the corpus name followed by the Python dictionary in second position. To learn more about all the possible other arguments which can be passed to the init_keyness_calculator function, have a look at the source code.

def main():
    # CSV/TSV files as input
    input_sc = os.path.join("exampleCorpora", "SC_singleSubc_1")
    input_rc = os.path.join("exampleCorpora", "RC_multSubc_1")
    keyness_dictionary_1 = init_keyness_calculator(input_sc, input_rc)
    # Python dictionary as input

    input_sc = ("SC_singleSubc_2", {
        "SC_subcorpus1": [[("tok1", "NOUN", "lem1"), ("tok2", "NOUN", "lem1")],
                          [("tok1", "NOUN", "lem1"), ("tok3", "VERB", "lem2")],
                          [("tok4", "NOUN", "lem3"), ("tok3", "VERB", "lem2")],
                          [("tok4", "NOUN", "lem3"), ("tok3", "VERB", "lem2")]]

    input_rc = ("RC_multSubc_2", {
        "RC_subcorpus1": [[("tok1", "NOUN", "lem1"), ("tok2", "NOUN", "lem1")],
                          [("tok1", "NOUN", "lem1"), ("tok3", "VERB", "lem2")],
                          [("tok1", "NOUN", "lem1"), ("tok2", "NOUN", "lem1")],
                          [("tok1", "NOUN", "lem1"), ("tok3", "VERB", "lem2")]],
        "RC_subcorpus2": [[("tok1", "NOUN", "lem1"), ("tok2", "NOUN", "lem1")],
                          [("tok1", "NOUN", "lem1"), ("tok3", "VERB", "lem2")],
                          [("tok1", "NOUN", "lem1"), ("tok2", "NOUN", "lem1")],
                          [("tok1", "NOUN", "lem1"), ("tok3", "VERB", "lem2")],
                          [("tok5", "NOUN", "lem4"), ("tok5", "NOUN", "lem4")],
                          [("tok5", "NOUN", "lem4"), ("tok6", "VERB", "lem5")],
                          [("tok1", "NOUN", "lem1"), ("tok2", "NOUN", "lem1")],
                          [("tok1", "NOUN", "lem1"), ("tok3", "VERB", "lem2")]]

    keyness_dictionary_2 = init_keyness_calculator(input_sc, input_rc)


The output of intermediary steps (frequency dictionaries [per item and totals] and dispersion values) are saved per corpus into an automatically created prep folder. The final results are stored in the automatically created output folder, in a subdirectory named [study_corpus]_VS_[reference_corpus]. Four output files are created:

  • An Excel file containing three sheets:
    • "all", in which the values for each item are visualised
    • "top-N", in which the results for the top-N CKIs (the value for N can be changed in the number_ckis_want_analyse argument) are presented
    • "selection", in which the results for the custom selection of items (which can be passed to the function through the selection_items argument) are presented
  • The content of those three Excel sheets in three separate JSON files

NOTE: the init_keyness_calculator function also returns those three types of results as a Python dictionary (keys: "all", "top-N" and "selection").



  1. Convert corpora into frequency dictionaries (per item and totals).

  2. Store this intermediate output in prep folder.


  1. Apply dispersion metric (DPnorm; Gries, 2008; Lijffijt & Gries, 2012), calculate adjusted frequencies and update frequency dictionaries. The dispersion values are based on the frequency distribution across subcorpora. If the maintain_subcorpora argument is set to True (which is the default value), the formula takes the original subcorpora as input (which means that if there is only one subcorpus, the adjusted frequencies will be equal to the absolute ones). However, if the value is set to False, all documents in all subcorpora (also if there is only one subcorpus) are randomly assigned to new subcorpora (the number of subcorpora is calculated by dividing the total number of documents in the corpus by the the value passed to the divide_number_docs_by argument, which defaults to 10).

  2. Store this intermediate output in prep folder.


  1. Calculate the keyness values. Parameters such as the type of frequencies used to perform the calculations (absolute or adjusted, with or without Laplace smoothing) and the keyness threshold can all be passed to the init_keyness_calculator function as additional keyword arguments. As for the type of metric, the five following methods are offered:
  • DIFF (Gabrielatos & Marchi, 2011);
  • Ratio (Kilgarriff, 2009);
  • OddsRatio (Everitt, 2002; Pojanapunya & Watson Todd, 2016);
  • LogRatio (Hardie, 2014);
  • DiffCoefficient (Hofland & Johansson, 1982).
  1. Store the results of the keyness analysis in the output folder.


  1. Construct meta file containing the information of the last query.
  2. Save this meta file into the prep folder (when the keyness calculator is initialised, it first checks this meta file, and when the query criteria are identical, the calculator will immediately load the intermediate output for the corpus in question in the prep folder, instead of again calculating the frequencies from scratch).

Required Python modules

The keyness calculator uses the Python modules mentioned below, so you need to have them installed for the script to work.


  • Everitt, B.S. (2002). The Cambridge Dictionary of Statistics (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press
  • Gabrielatos, C. (2018). Keyness Analysis: nature, metrics and techniques. In C. Taylor & A. Marchi (Eds.), Corpus Approaches to Discourse: A Critical Review. Routledge.
  • Gabrielatos, C., & Marchi, A. (2011). Keyness Matching metrics to definitions. November, 1–28.
  • Gries, S. T. (2008). Dispersions and adjusted frequencies in corpora. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 13(4), 403–437.
  • Hardie, A. (2014). Log Ratio - an informal introduction.
  • Hofland, K., & Johansson, S. (1982). Word Frequencies in British and American English. Longman.
  • Kilgarriff, A. (2009). Simple maths for keywords. In M. Mahlberg, V. González-Díaz & C. Smith (Eds.), Proceedings of the Corpus Linguistics Conference, CL2009. University of Liverpool
  • Lijffijt, J., & Gries, S. T. (2012). Review of ((2008)): International Journal of Corpus Linguistics. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 17(1), 147–149.
  • Pojanapunya, P., & Watson Todd, R. (2016). Log-likelihood and odds ratio: Keyness statistics for different purposes of keyword analysis. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory.
  • Wilson, A. (2013). Embracing Bayes factors for key item analysis in corpus linguistics. In M. Bieswanger & A. Koll-Stobbe (Eds.), New Approaches to the Study of Linguistic Variability (pp. 3–11). Peter Lang.


License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%