SimenHolmestad / TDT4173-project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The goal of this project is to use the yelp-dataset to predict the number of stars given for a review based on the words used in the review text. We will use word embeddings try different types of machine learning techniques, namely kNN with bag-of-words and LSTM with word embeddings.

The project is hosted on github at

About the dataset

The Yelp dataset ( contains a wealth of information from Yelp, a popular website for crowd-sourced reviews of various physical establishments. The dataset contains several categories, of which we are interested in one: The reviews. This data set alone is 5.9GB in size, and contains 5,200,000 user reviews. This should be more than enough to train and test our models.

Note: The kaggle website claims that the dataset contains 5,200,000 user reviews. However, when running

grep review_id yelp_academic_dataset_review.json | sort | uniq | wc -l

the result says that there are 8,021,122 unique lines in the file all containing review_id , so in reality, it seems like there is a bit more than 8 million reviews in the dataset.


To install the required python packages needed for the project, run

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

from the root folder of the project.

Repo structure

Information about folders and important files in the project is found below.

The Preprocessing Folder

The preprocessing folder contains python scripts for data preprocessing. These includes:

  • A script for processing the raw data from the yelp dataset. When running the script, file-path-to-original-file and output-filename are required arguments.
  • A script for reducing the dataset to a more manageable format for testing. When running the script, file-path-to-original-file and output-filename are required arguments.
  • A script for creating plots from a file containing preprocessed data. When running the script, file-path-to-data-file is a required argument.

The Plots Folder

This folder contains plots from running

The Data folder

The entire dataset is not hosted in the repo because it is too large for GitHub file size contstraints. Instead, a file containing the 100,000 first lines in the dataset can be found at Data/first_100000_reviews.json, and a file containing the first 100,000 processed lines after running Preprocessing/preprocess_review_data can be found at Data/first_100000_processed_reviews.json.

The Source folder

The source folder contains python scripts for model training. These include:

  • A script for training the lstm model. When running the script, file-path-to-data-file and directory-for-output-files are required arguments.

In addition, the Source folder contains the Google Cloud Function used as a backend for the website created for the project.

The Results folder

The Results folder contains plots showing how the models have performed.

The Model folder

The Model folder contains models created from running the scripts in the source folder.


The group has created a webpage to demonstrate how the models perform on novel data. The web page is currently hosted with GitHub Pages and can be found at

The backend for the website is a Google Cloud Function running an LSTM model. As the prediction is done directly in the cloud function, the backend is a little bit slow. The LSTM model for the backend is trained on an evenly balanced dataset using 2 epochs.

Deploying the cloud function to google cloud

The entire backend of the website can be found in source/cloud_function. To export the function to google cloud using the cloud sdk, run the command:

gcloud functions deploy function-1 --trigger-http --runtime python38 --allow-unauthenticated --region europe-west1 --memory 4096MB --entry-point main

from the source/cloud_function-directory. NOTE You must be logged into Google Cloud in your terminal and have access to the GCP project.


The OverLeaf link to the report can be found here:

Useful links



Language:Python 100.0%