Silvenga / SlackNet

A comprehensive Slack API client for .NET

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


An easy-to-use and flexible API for writing Slack bots in .NET, built on top of a comprehensive Slack API client.

Getting Started

There are three NuGet packages available to install, depending on your use case.


To use the Web API:

var api = new SlackApiClient("<your API token here>");

then start calling methods:

var channels = await api.Channels.List();

To use the RTM API:

var rtm = new SlackRtmClient("<your API token here>");
await rtm.Connect();
rtm.Events.Subscribe(/* handle every event */);
rtm.Messages.Subscribe(/* handle message events */);


var bot = new SlackBot("<your bot token here>");
await bot.Connect();

You can handle messages in a number of ways:

// .NET events
bot.OnMessage += (sender, message) => { /* handle message */ };

// Adding handlers
class MyMessageHandler: IMessageHandler { 
    public Task HandleMessage(IMessage message) {
        // handle message
bot.AddHandler(new MyMessageHandler());

// Subscribing to Rx stream
bot.Messages.Subscribe(/* handle message */);

The easiest way to reply to messages is by using their ReplyWith method. Replies will be sent to same channel and thread as the message being replied to.

message.ReplyWith("simple text message");
message.ReplyWith(new BotMessage {
    Text = "more complicated message",
    Attachments = { new Attachment { Title = "attachments!" } }
message.ReplyWith(async () => {
    // Show typing indication in Slack while message is build built
    var asyncInfo = await SomeAsyncMethod();
    return new BotMessage { Text = "async message: " + asyncInfo };

SlackNet.Bot includes a simplified API for getting common information from Slack:

var user = await bot.GetUserByName("someuser");
var channels = await bot.GetChannels();
// etc.

Everything is cached, so go nuts getting the information you need. You can clear the cache with bot.ClearCache().


In your Startup class:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddSlackNet(c => c.UseApiToken("<your API token here>"));

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)
    app.UseSlackNet(c => c.VerifyWith("<your verification token here>"));

See the SlackNet.EventsExample project for more detail.


A comprehensive Slack API client for .NET

License:MIT License


Language:C# 98.1%Language:PowerShell 1.3%Language:Shell 0.6%