Silinator / We-TeVe

A modern videosharing platform.

Home Page:

Repository from Github https://github.comSilinator/We-TeVeRepository from Github https://github.comSilinator/We-TeVe


We-TeVe is a online video plattform a little bit like YouTube but with many own twist and as you see for the community, by the community!

Twitter - Office Channel - Instagram

To use this Project on your system, you have to make some ajustments:

#1 config.php

  • Set the DB data to yours from you system
  • Set the path to the folder with the index.php on your system
  • Set if you system have curl or not (false = no, true = yes)
  • Set if you system have FFmpeg or not (false = no, true = yes)
  • Set the Google API key (YouTube Data API)

#2 config.js

  • Set the path to the folder with the index.php on your system

#3 .htaccess

  • Replace "/we-teve/" with the folder the index.php is in at you system

#4 load the DB structur from the DB folder


A modern videosharing platform.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:JavaScript 65.7%Language:PHP 31.0%Language:CSS 3.0%Language:Less 0.3%Language:HTML 0.1%Language:Hack 0.0%