Siequnu / eks-ecr-deployment

Automated AWS EKS container building, tagging, pushing, with LoadBalancer and NodePort application

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EKS and ECR deployment


This script will automate the git clone, docker build, docker tag, and upload process to EKS.

Running hephaestus-deployment

  1. git clone the hephaestus-deployment repository to a location on your harddrive

  2. Install dependencies by running npm install within the cloned directory

  3. Copy deployment.js.sample to deployment.js and fill out the details. Multiple deployments objects can be exported in this file. Please note the hardcoded caveat noted below (Current deployment keyword mappings)

  4. Ensure that a folder exists in the deployment directory of this repo containing the packages to be built. An example is given below.

  5. Export the AWS environmental variables. These can be found on the AWS management console.

    export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="secret_key" export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="secret_access_key" export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN="session_token"

  6. Run using node hephaestus.js. Follow the wizard steps.

Steps in the hephaestus script

The script follows the following steps

  1. Request a deployment target. See hardcoded target caveats in 'Populating deployment.js' and 'Current deployment keyword mappings' below.
  2. Log-in to AWS CLI. The script will periodically refresh the login in case of expiration.
  3. Export AWS environmental configs.
  4. If there are repos that are to be cloned from git, prompt to do so.
  5. For each enabled package in deployment.js:
    • docker build
    • docker push
    • remove the previous container
    • update the yaml with the vversion number in deployment.js
    • apply the new container
  6. Prompt to expose the instances via a LoadBalancer, which should be in the builder folder as 02-load-balancer.yml
  7. Prompt to expose the instances via a NodePort, which should be in the builder folder as 04-node-port.yml

Current deployment keyword mappings

The hephaestus-deployment currently contains regrettably hardcoded mappings between deployment keywords and imports. Please do make a PR to remove this debt.

Deployment File Harcoded mappings
Deployment target 1 deployment.js Must export deployment objects called deploymentRegistry,
binaries Contained within folder in deployment called deployment_target_1

Populating deployment.js

deployment.js contains a declarative implementation of the EKS deployment. Comments in the code block below illustrate this.

export const deploymentRegistry = {
containerDestination: '<id>.dkr.ecr.<region>',
region: '<region>',
version: 1, // Version tag Docker build. Leaving at 1 will overwrite the previous container.
api: {
awsAccessKeyId: '',
awsSecretAccessKey: '',
deploymentObjects: [ // Declare all objects here
title: 'Object title', // Used only in the CLI for descriptive purposes
label: 'object-ecr-label', // Label of both the ECR registry and the built item
folder: 'object_folder', // `hephaestus-deployment/deployment/deployment_target_1/<folder>`
title: 'Object title 2',
label: 'object-ecr-label',
folder: 'object-folder',
git: 'git@<git address>', // Optionally clone a git repository
gitFolder: 'gitFolder/docs', // What is the git folder called? i.e. `hephaestus-deployment/deployment/deployment_target_1/<gitFolder>`

Simple deployment object folder structure

Presuming there is a package called MyDockerisedContainer that is to be build, tagged and pushed to the ECR on AWS

  1. In deployment.js, ensure that the containerDestination, region, api fields are filled in.
  2. In deployment.js, add an object in the deploymentObjects array as such

export const deploymentRegistry = {
deploymentObjects: [
title: 'MyDockerisedContainer', // Used only in the CLI for descriptive purposes
label: 'mydockerisedcontainer', // Label of both the ECR registry and the built item
folder: 'mydockerisedcontainer', // `hephaestus-deployment/deployment/deployment_target_1/mydockerisedcontainer/`

  1. Inside root of the cloned repo create a folder called deployment.
  2. Inside the deployment folder, create a deployment_target_1 folder
  3. Inside the deployment_target_1 folder, create a folder matching the object we defined in step 2, i.e. mydockerisedcontainer
  4. In deployment/deployment_target_1/mydockerisedcontainer/ we must have, at least:
  • A Dockerfile, which will be built, tagged and pushed
  • Any files the Dockerfil refers to.
  • A deployment.yml file, which will he used to declaratively create a kubernetes object using aws-cli

Example 01-deployment.yml

Below is an example of the file, i.e. deployment/deployment_target_1/object/01.deployment.yml. The script will automatically populate spec.containers.image, values.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: mydockerisedcontainer
replicas: 1
app: mydockerisedcontainer
app: mydockerisedcontainer
containers: - name: mydockerisedcontainer
image: <id>.dkr.ecr.<region>
ports: - containerPort: 80

Advanced deployment options

Cloning directly from git

The deployment object in deployment.js can contain a git repo. This will be cloned. You must specify both the git address and the folder it will clone into.

      title: 'My Git Hosted Container',
      label: 'git-container',
      folder: 'git-container-folder',
      git: 'git@<gitaddress>.git',
      gitFolder: 'git-name',

Exposing on LoadBalancer

After the build phase, Hephaestus will prompt to expose on LoadBalancer. If so, a file titled 02-load-balancer.yml must be in the deployment object folder, i.e. deployment/deployment_target_1/mydockerisedcontainer/02-load-balancer.yml

An example of this file is provided. The must match the ECR name of the registry

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: mydockerisedcontainer-loadbalancer
  annotations: "nlb"
  type: LoadBalancer
  - port: 80
    protocol: TCP
    name: tcp-80
    targetPort: 80
    app: mydockerisedcontainer

Exposing on NodePort

After the build phase, Hephaestus will prompt to expose on NodePort. If so, a file titled 04-node-port.yml must be in the deployment object folder, i.e. deployment/deployment_target_1/mydockerisedcontainer/04-node-port.yml

An example of this file is provided. The must match the ECR name of the registry

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: mydockerisedcontainer-nodeport
  type: NodePort
    app: mydockerisedcontainer
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 80
      targetPort: 80


Automated AWS EKS container building, tagging, pushing, with LoadBalancer and NodePort application


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