Sieabah / OrionCodingChallenge

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LearnWithOrion Coding Challenge

A travel agency in Santa Monica needs a new frontend to let clients search for flights to and from exciting destinations around the world. The flight data is provided by a 3rd party legacy system, but management wants to modernize the frontend.

The designers have created a static mockup that illustrates what a search result should look like. Your job is to transform the static design mockup into a single page React application.

You have four hours to implement the features described further below. Make sure you've read and understood the technical requirements and features before you start coding.

Technical Requirements

We've set up a skeleton React project with the static design mockup, sample legacy data and all the basic NPM dependencies you need to get started.


Please implement your solution using the React library. Do not add NPM packages with 3rd party React components or other UI features. We want to see how you work with the basic features provided by the React library.


We would love to see how you manage the state of your application with Redux if you are comfortable with Redux and React-Redux and feel confident you can implement a solution under the time constraints. To that end, we have also included the Redux and React-Redux NPM packages. Do not add or use NPM packages with more advanced Redux support. We want to see how you work with the basic features provided by the Redux and React-Redux libraries.


When you're ready to submit your solution, zip up everything except node_modules and email the zip file to us. Some email services block attachments with JavaScript -- if you run into this, please try a cloud drive service or the free file transfer service

Core Features

  1. The single page application is shown with a text input at the top along with two buttons for displaying respectively outbound and inbound flights in the destination results below.

  2. No destinations should be matched until a text input has been given.

  3. Text entered in the text input should be matched against airport names, IATA codes and cities. Partial matches should be allowed.

  4. Make sure to exclude LAX from the destination result set.

  5. When multiple airports match the text input, then the following properties should be displayed for each matching airport:

    • The city and country of the airport
    • The airport name and IATA code
  6. When a single airport matches the text input, then the following properties should be displayed:

    • The city and country of the airport
    • Airline routes -- see requirements 7 and 8.
    • A map centered on the latitude and longitude of the airport
    • The airport name and IATA code
  7. When the outbound button is selected, airline routes should be filtered on departures from LAX that arrive at the matched airport. For each matching route, the airline, the departure time and the week days with outbound flights should be displayed.

Optional Requirements

It is important you focus on developing a solid implementation of the core requirements. However, if you find yourself with time to spare, here are some additional features you might want to try to implement.

  1. When the inbound button is selected, airline routes should be filtered on departures from the matched airport that arrive at LAX. For each matching route, the airline, the arrival time and the week days with inbound flights should be displayed.

  2. Sort airport matches by city name

  3. Sort airline routes by departure/arrival time

  4. When no airport can be matched, display a message to that effect

Sample implementation

See demo.gif for a recording of a sample implementation.

Legacy Data

The 3rd party legacy system provides two data sets:

  • data/airports.json contains a JSON array with airport definitions.

  • data/airlines.json contains a JSON array with airline and route definitions. Route departure and arrival airports are identified with ICAO codes.

Do not modify the JSON files. You are welcome to manipulate and modify the data in memory as needed.


Make sure you have a recent version of Node.js installed. You can grab the latest version from

Run npm install or yarn install to install the project dependencies.

Launch the Development Server

Run npm start to launch the development server. Consult the documentation to create-react-app if you want to learn more about the development environment.



Language:JavaScript 78.2%Language:CSS 19.4%Language:HTML 2.4%