Siddharthalhat001 / ansible-k8s-setup

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Setup a kubernetes cluster on Linux machines using ansible.

Requirements : Ansible controller - ansible -- 1 vcpu / 2 gib ram

Kubernetes Master - master - 2 vcpu / 4 gib ram

Kubernetes Node1 - nodeone - 1 vcpu / 4 gib ram

Kubernetes Node2 - nodetwo - 1 vcpu / 4 gib ram

If you can allocate more compute resources, its better Use private IP address of Instances

Step-1 Below commands are for Amzn-Linux Download and Install Ansible

yum update -y
sudo yum install epel-release -y
sudo amazon-linux-extras install epel
sudo yum install ansible -y
ansible --version

Generate ssh-key
ssh-keygen -t rsa
#see on which location is generated and paste on other ec2 at same location else it won't work
ex : Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/
cat /root/.ssh/

Paste On Worker-Nodes ec-2 at
nano /root/.ssh/authorized_keys

Congrats you have successfully made the connection Now to ssh master (paste ip of master and worker in ) nano /etc/hosts of every Instance.

Step-2 Configure before Running Give the actual path i.e pwd for ansible.cfg

Ex : inventory      = /home/ec2-user/ansible-k8s-setup
Define the labels in Host file
Ex : 

Step-3 Run the files in following sequence k8s-pkg.yml k8s-master.yml k8s-workers.yml Commands to run them

ansible-playbook k8s-pkg.yml
ansible-playbook k8s-master.yml
ansible-playbook k8s-workers.yml



Language:Shell 100.0%