ShubhamRasal / tungsten

Solution Repo for

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

DevOps RoadMap


This repository contains the terraform code to generate following architecture.

  • Internet Gateway
  • NAT.
  • Application Loadbalancer.
  • Two bastion machines (one per AZ). (Public subnet)
  • Three service machines(2+1 AZ). The service box should be in the private subnet.
  • Attach 8 GB extra EBS volume to the service box.
  • One rds(my-sql/postgres).
  • One S3 bucket. Create two users one with read-access and the other with read+write-access to the bucket.


Directory Structure

├── backend                        # It contains ansible playbook which generates s3 bucket and dynamo table for terraform backend. Also generates file

├── modules                         # terraform modules  for vpc, ec2, rds, s3

├── environments                 # Directory to store all the environemtents specific .tfvars files

├──                      # terraform backend to store statefile in s3 bucket

├──                            # call modules

├──                       # terraforms variables defined

├──                         # output required parameters

└── Makefile

How to run?

Go to Terraform directory

$ cd Terraform

Install Terraform and Ansible

$ make prepare

Create terraform backend and install terraform modules

$ make init

Terraform plan for given environment

$ make plan env=dev

This command will generate the new workspace 'dev' if not created already and run the terraform plan command.

Note: assuming you have file environments/dev.tfvars.

Terraform apply for given environment

$ make apply env=dev

It will generate the aws infrastructure for dev environment.

Terraform destroy for given environment

$ make destroy env=dev


Solution Repo for

License:MIT License