ShrutiSonal10 / NewsMonkey-1

NewsMonkey web application utilizes JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) to store and organize news data. The articles property in your React component holds an array of news articles, and each article is represented as a JSON object.

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The NewsMonkey React app is a dynamic and responsive web application designed to provide users with real-time news headlines from various sources. The code is written in React.js, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Let's break down the key features of the code:

Component-Based Structure:

The app follows a component-based structure, leveraging React's modular approach. The News component serves as the main container for rendering news articles. Static Data Initialization:

Initially, a static array named articles is used to represent a set of news articles. Each article is formatted as a JSON object containing essential information such as the source, author, title, description, URL, image URL, published date, and content. State Management:

The component's state is managed using the useState hook. The initial state includes the articles array and a loading flag to indicate whether news data is being fetched. Component Lifecycle Methods:

The componentDidMount lifecycle method is employed to trigger the fetching of news data when the component is mounted. This ensures that the app dynamically loads the latest headlines. API Data Fetching:

The fetch function is utilized to make an asynchronous request to an external news API. The actual API endpoint should replace the placeholder ('YOUR_NEWS_API_ENDPOINT'). The fetched data is then processed and set in the component's state using setState. Dynamic Rendering:

The app dynamically renders news articles based on the data fetched from the API. Each article is displayed in a responsive grid layout, making use of the Bootstrap classes. Loading Indicator:

To enhance the user experience, a loading indicator is displayed while the news data is being fetched. This provides visual feedback to users during the asynchronous data retrieval process. NewsItem Component:

The NewsItem component is used to display individual news items. It receives specific properties such as title, desc, imageUrl, and newsUrl from the parent News component. User-Friendly Interface:

The app features a clean and user-friendly interface, allowing users to quickly scan through headlines. Clickable news titles enable users to access the full articles on the respective news websites. Error Handling:

Basic error handling is implemented within the data fetching process to log errors to the console and update the loading state accordingly. Overall, the NewsMonkey React app demonstrates the power of React in creating dynamic and interactive user interfaces, particularly in the context of fetching and displaying real-time data from external APIs


NewsMonkey web application utilizes JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) to store and organize news data. The articles property in your React component holds an array of news articles, and each article is represented as a JSON object.


Language:JavaScript 85.4%Language:HTML 11.1%Language:CSS 3.5%