ShravanMeena / taskbuddy

A sleek interface and intuitive app where he could effortlessly create tasks, set deadlines, and prioritize his responsibilities.

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TaskBuddy App


The TaskBuddy App is a sleek and intuitive mobile application designed to help users effortlessly manage their daily tasks, set deadlines, and prioritize responsibilities. Inspired by real-world challenges, this app provides a seamless user experience with an elegant interface.


  • Create tasks with titles, descriptions, and deadlines.
  • Prioritize tasks based on urgency or importance.
  • Mark tasks as completed or delete them when they're no longer needed.
  • Duplicate tasks.
  • User-friendly interface for easy task management.

App Architecture

The TaskBuddy App is built using the React Native CLI. It follows a modular code structure to ensure code reusability and maintainability. The core libraries used in the project are:

  • Redux: for efficient state management.
  • React Navigation: for seamless navigation between screens.
  • babel-plugin-module-resolver: for Using Absolute Paths

Folder Structure

  • src/components: Contains reusable components used across different screens.
    • /atoms: Includes individual atomic components used throughout the app.
      • TBInput: This is a example of Input atoms. Atoms start with prefix TB(TaskBuddy).
      • TBCard: This is a example of View atoms.
    • /generic: Contains generic components that can be reused in multiple contexts or screens.
  • src/navigation: Includes navigation configuration and screens.
  • src/screens: Contains individual screens of the app.
  • src/redux: Defines the Redux store and actions for managing app state.
    • actions: Defines the action creators, which are functions that create actions to be dispatched to the Redux store. These actions describe the changes that need to be made to the state.
    • reducers: Contains the reducers, which are pure functions responsible for handling the dispatched actions and updating the state of the application accordingly. Each reducer focuses on a specific part of the application state.
  • src/constants: Holds constant values used throughout the app, such as Strings,LocalStorage constants ,error messages, or configuration settings.
  • src/helpers: Includes helper functions and utility modules used across the project.
  • src/hooks: Contains custom hooks that encapsulate common functionality and enable code reuse.
  • src/assets: Stores static assets such as images, fonts, or other media files used in the app.
  • src/themes: Holds theme-related files, including style definitions, color palettes, and font configurations.
  • src/utils: Contains utility functions and modules that provide various utility functionalities.

For detailed code documentation, please refer to the source code.

Code quality & consistency:


You can find the design files at the following link: Designs

Getting Started


To run this application, you need to have the following software installed on your machine:

  • Node.js (version v18.15.0)
  • React Native CLI (version 0.72.0)
  • Xcode (for iOS development)
  • Android Studio (for Android development)


  • download or clone the repository
  • npm install
  • run npx react-native run-ios/android

Download App Via link

  • Android
  • IOSIt will not work because I need UDID of your device

Download App Via QR CODE



  • For any doubts ,feel free to connect on mail


A sleek interface and intuitive app where he could effortlessly create tasks, set deadlines, and prioritize his responsibilities.


Language:JavaScript 85.0%Language:Java 8.3%Language:Objective-C 2.7%Language:Ruby 2.7%Language:Objective-C++ 0.9%Language:TypeScript 0.4%