Shopiley / turbo-nest-grpc-vite-react-ssr-tailwind-pwa-i18n-template

a turbo-nest-grpc-vite-react-ssr-tailwind-pwa-i18n-template

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To experience my present turbo monorepo template:

A. Note the following about my turbo-based monorepo:

1. There are three workspaces in my turbo monorepo namely apps, hms-apps and packages. Identify the folders in the codebase now!. This ReadMe is a quick outline to get you going but you may need my classnotes to fully appreciate the template.

2. Workspace apps illustrates (as we saw in class):

Routing (V6)

Internationalization with i18next

Progress Web Apps (PWA)


Code splitting

Tailwind with Flowbite


3. Workspace hms-apps illustrates:

Microservice with gRPC as transporter

Shadcn/ui (inspired by

Dark/light mode switching (see my users-demo-frontend /@/components/mode-toggle.tsx inspired by

Use of useReactTable for data table / grid (see my users-demo-frontend/src/components/DisplayUsers.tsx inspired by

Navigation (see my users-demo-frontend /src/components/navigation folder, inspired by

React-query for server query caching (see my users-demo-frontend/src/App.tsx and users-demo-frontend/src/components/Users.tsx inspired by

4. Workspace packages contains shared libraries (inspired by

B. Installations to experience my template:

Run npm install -g @nestjs/cli

Run npm install turbo --global

Git clone my

Run npm install from turbo root directory, to install all dependencies

Run npm install copyfiles -g

To further modify .proto files and generate the equivalent .ts, you will need to download Protocol Buffers for your OS from and see my slides and codes about how it was used. I also setup the following script in turbo’s package.json for repeated use "hms:gen:identity.ts:from:proto": "../protoc-25.1-osx-x86_64/bin/protoc --plugin=../node_modules/.bin/protoc-gen-ts_proto --ts_proto_out=./ --ts_proto_opt=nestJs=true ./proto/identity.proto"

C. Dev, Build, Startups

With installations done, you can startup the two apps. See the script section in my turbo root’s package.json.

For dev mode:

npm run dev (for apps)

npm run hms:dev (for hms-apps)

For build

npm run build (for apps)

If there was code and/or css change before build, you will need to update the 'main.js' and 'styles.css' entries in assetMap, setup in apps/demo-backend/src/backend.settings.ts. The new names generated are in dist/assets of demo-frontend. npm run build again, after adjustment.

npm run hms:build (for hms-apps)

For production start/stop with pm2 use:

npm run hms:start:all (for start).

npm run hms:stop:all (for stop).

D. Experience It!

1. With npm run dev or npm start, you should have access to:




as per apps/demo-backend and apps/demo-frontend.


2. With npm run hms:dev you should have access to:



3. With npm run hms:start:all after hms:build the following should be running:



You can use npm run hms:stop:all to stop them.

To connect to api-gateway from users-demo-frontend:

You can achieve this with npm run preview after you have built users-demo-frontend. It proxies /user to api-gateway which in turn houses a client for identity microservice.

Now you should see http://localhost:4173/view-users.



  1. Statically serve users-demo-frontend from api-gateway so that there will be no need to run a separate npm run preview process for it, as we did above. In other words, when done, you should be able to see something like http://localhost:3002/v1/view-users if combined and served from api-gateway.
  2. Incorporate SSR, PWA, Internationalization, etc., as well, in your exercise. Take a clue from my apps template where I serve demo-frontend build from demo-backend and also did SSR, among others.
  3. Work more on the hms-apps/identity/src/users to use TypeORM for entity, instead of the current illustration with data as array of users, hardcoded in hms-apps/identity/src/users/users.service.ts


a turbo-nest-grpc-vite-react-ssr-tailwind-pwa-i18n-template


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